Mewsette and E.T., wedwinked life page 3
Can mew belief it? We had our third Wedwink Annifursary already! E.T. luffs to surprise me. He took me to Key Largo in Florida! What a beautifur, romantic spot. Oh, I luffed it there, we had the bestest time! That's my beautifur souvenir that he got me above, wif emeralds! See the luffly bouquet he gave me? It smells soooo sweet.
I packed inna hurry, but I rememfured the flowery swimsuit I got on our honeymoon in Hawaii, so I could wear it fur playing on the beach again. E.T. sure does like me in that. No, *blush* mew can't see it. I luff the beach! We went out fur big lobster dinners an dancing at night. He gave me this gorgeous crystal efening bag! Wow, does it sparkle! An I gave him his new watch he has on. Didn't we look nice!
Click on the sailboats to see the Anniversary page my sweetheart made. Thank mew, my luff, fur a heafenly annifursary trip!
We like to haf our sisfurs come ofur any time, they's always full of gossip an fun an they bring goodies from the bakery. They should, they clean us out of cookies an ice cream efury time they stay ofurnight, mewhehe! Not to mention all the ruckus down at our peaceful lake when they're chasin the ducks.
We keep findin great places to go to dinner an dancing. We all luff Flamenco, an haf fun at boot-scootin Western places, too. Most times, it's just my luff an me at the romantic spots he finds to take me. From small dance floors wif dark corners to our hammock by the lake, we make efury place romantic.

I didn't feel so good one day and hadda go to the vet, an my E.T. gave me this beautipurr silk scarf to wear round my shoulders. I felt soooo purrty and whole lotsa better. He's soooo good to me.
Here we are at our fafurite Italian restaurant. We was on our way to our booth in the corner. It's furry romantic, wif candlelight. Nobody notices if we just sit an snug.... uh, ..smoo... uh, ..make a mess.
We had a fun Labor Day weekend wif our sisfurs. We went fishin and sure did catch a bunch! So we had a good ol fish fry on the patio. E.T. grilled them on his George Foreman grill. The girls brought cream pies an fixed the tater tots. I didn't hafta do hardly nothin. Boy, I'm lucky! Click on our picture to see.
My luff gave me this elegant Italian pendant the next time he took me to our Italian place. Oh, isn't it beautifur? I got a liddle teary, but that's Amore'! Luff is wonderpurr.
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