Labor Day
Welcome to our Labor Day page! We hope mew had a good lazy weekend wif lotsa cookouts, like we did!

We all went fishin on Saturday, Mewsette and E.T., Phelicity and Ginger. We caught whole lotsa fish and had a nice big fish-fry that night.

Sunday after we went to brunch we lazed around in the park. Ginger and Phelicity went to get buckets of fried chicken, and we hadda picnic by the lake that efening. Then Monday we lazed around by the lake sommore. It was sooo purrty out there!
We grilled hotdogs on the patio and had ice cream. After we cleaned up, we saw that the girls had disappeared again, along wif the last of the bread. Hmmmmm..... yup, we knew right where to look. They's always down there lookin fur ducks to chase. I hope they looked behind them, mewhehe!
Meanwhile, my sweet wedwink and I was watchin the sunset and .......... well, watchin the sunset. It was a wonderpurr weekend.
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