The night E.T. and I became winks in Mexico
Our Wedwink portrait May 15, 2005
On our honeymoon in Hawaii
Practicing the Salsa fur the Dance recital
Efury place is beautifur cuz we are so much in luff
Our second annifursary portrait
Fun going out honkytonkin
Dancing the nights away in wonderpurr places
Our third annifursary portrait
Dancing the Flamenco again
By our romantic candlelit booth in our Italian restaurant

Our fourth annifursary. E.T. makes these luffly portraits.

Our fifth annifursary

From our return to Cat Mountain Lodge

Our sixth annifursary in November, a whole half a year!
Our furst Christmas as wedwinks
These are pages I gave my luff:
I Haf Luffed Mew
The Only Girl in the World
The Good Things
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