Mewsette and E.T., wedwinked life page 4

E.T. and I are starting our fifth monff of wedwinked life, on a romantic beach in Califurnia, watching the sunset ofur the Pacific like we did the efening we got wedwinked. It's our fourth Annifursary, an my sweet boy still surprises me so good! See the beautifur Fourth Anniversary page he made!
He gave me this gorgeous charm bracelet wif the dear liddle seashells to remind me of our Hawaiian honeymoon. I luff being on the beach togeffur! An it was soooo heafenly to go dancin at night wif the sound of the ocean behind the mewsic.
Summer is about ofur now, we'll be finding new fun stuff to do in the Fall. Our sisfurs spend a lot of time here wif us, too. We're already makin plans fur Halloween parties. E.T. an I will be down at our lake more, watchin fur geese ofurhead an signs of Fall.
My sweet boy is always bringin me flowers, liddle bunches he picks outside or big gorgeous bouquets or a sweet blossom fur me to wear, but look what he gave me one day in September. This purrfect green rose. Oh, I nefur saw one so beautifur!
And now we've had our fifth annifursary! My luff surprised me wif beautifur flowers an gorgeous golden topaz autumn leafs jewelry, look!
Come here and see E.T.'s wonderpurr surprises fur me! He took me to a secluded place in the wilds of Maine, all brite-colored autumn foliage an near the exciting white-capped ocean of the north! Oh, I luffed it there, it' a heafenly romantic place. An our lobster dinners was the best efur!
I can still hardly belief what a lucky girl I am!
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