Our Romance
I'm the happiest gurl in the world, and I haf the happiest news! I got winked to E.T., the boy I luff! I haf the most wonderfur, luffing, sweetest wink in the world. Not to mention the most strong, smart and catsome boy!
My sweet boy won my heart a long time ago, but I was slow catchin on. I nefur thought anything like this would happen to me! Then I fell in luff so hard, and my E.T. did, too. On my 19th birthday, he asked me to be his wink and I mewed "yesyesyes" as fast as I could, and then nearly fainted when he gave me this beautifur diamond ring.

We and our sisfurs went off on a cruise to Mexico right after my birffday, and this is the romantic place where he asked me officially in front of the whole world. Click on the hibiscus he gave me one night, to see:
Later that night we celebrated. Some more.

He had already showered me wif wonderfur gifts and gorgeous flowers on my birffday, and he'd been doin that fur a long time. My fella sure knows how to woo a gurl! See my Birffday Party here! Then he gave me gifts every night in Mexico, too. See our whole trip here.

I wore my luffly Spanish comb to dinner, and my gorgeous shawl on the beach wif him that night. I wear my painted bracelet efurry day. Isn't it purrty!
E.T. gave me a diamond heart pendant on Valentine's Day, the most beautiful thing I'd efur seen, and sent me a special heart of luff. Oh yes, I was catchin on by then! He efen wrote me a poem. No, mew can't see it. *blush* Oh. He said yes, mew can. Under Da Moon by E.T.
Then all four of us went on our Flamenco Dancing Tour of Spain. My sisfur made all the arrangements and she was dancing wif E.T. fur a duo. I guess I was falling more in luff on that tour. He filled my room wif roses and filled my heart like a pounding waterfall. He sent me luffnotes in beautifur Spanish words, and we went out on the balconies at night. My sisfur saw what was happening, and she arranged fur E.T. and me to dance the rest of the special luff-flamencos togeffur.
By the time we got home, my legs was jelly and my head was cotton. He sent me roses and a luffly silk pillow. I knew I wanted the most wonderfur boy in the world to ask me, and he did.

Mew can visit my E.T. RIGHT HERE. We'll be home from Mexico soon. I could probly float on air all the way, mewhehe! Then his birffday will be here! And last night, my luff showed me a picture of a beautifur (whispurr..wedding chapel.) I think I'm gonna faint.
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E.T.'s in Luff Page *blush*
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