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Memorial Day

We went to the chapel on Memorial Day to bring flowers and special purrs fur Mewsette. It was so purrty dere, an I felt real close to her.

I can invite E.T. an Ginger ofur fur supper on my liddle patio now that I fixed it up some. I gets buckets of fried chicken right down da street, but I made da bacon balls myself. Dey's kinda like horse dervies, mew just fries up all da bacon mew can find an wraps it aroun blobs of cream cheese. Den mew takes a baff.
Picnic times
We founded some nice picnic spots, an brought a picnic fur dis one today. It gots a liddle thingamajiggie to cook our hotdogs on, too. We gots crab salad sammiches an lotsa goodies in our baskets. Hmmm, I hope we brot da buns.

Da night befur our next picnic, Ginger an me made raspberry iced tea, just like we gets at our lunch cafe! I had raspberry jam, an we just knowed dat was what dey put in to make it. So after we picked da muffin crumbs outta da jam, we put it in da oven to melt while we made da tea. We poured it in dere, and it worked, ... cept den we discofured da seeds in da jam. sigh. So dat's why we strained the raspberry tea thru a towel. Da furst time.

We was tryin not to slip on da ice cubes, an pour da cold tea into a thermos. Dat's when we discofured what happens when hot jam gets cold again, sigh. So we strained it sommore. It didn't get too furry fuzzy, da towel was still purrty clean. I didn't step on it, honest! Dere was only a few liddle jam plops when we got done. I tole E.T. dey was gummy bears.

We had a luffly picnic da next day. Ginger an me made smashed tater salad, too, an lotsa sammiches fur while E.T. had da ribs cookin in da brick ... uh ... cooker thing. We all ate so much we could hardly moooooove.

One day Ginger an me found a tennis court, an we watched dem whackin da yella balls aroun. We heard dem tennis ball batters was called whackits, an we picked up some tennis whackits to try it ourselfs. It sure is fun! We's gonna play tennis lots dis summer.

Dey has a gooooood snack bar right dere by da court, wif one of my fafurite things, corny dogs! Yummmmmmmm.

We found da most exciting, wonderpurr shoe store in da whole world one day! Oboy, we bought soooooo many purrty liddle strappy shoes an sandals fur summer, we filled up da whole car wif shoe boxes. We's still lookin fur places to put dem all.
Next: Last page of Summer Days!
See our Summer Nights!
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