Ginger: Okay, we rememfured da hotdog buns, an da bag to keep our iced nipztea cold.

Phelicity: Let's go in da garden shop, lookit da purrty blue flowers!

Ginger: I'm lookin at dat birdbath. We could always use another one of dem.

Phelicity: Yeah, I doesn't think we can carry it, tho. I'm gettin dis bag to take barbeque home in next time we goes to da barbeque place.

Ginger: Yeah, it were a big mistake to put barbeque in our purses. *mewgiggles*

Phelicity: I left mine soakin in da bafftub. Let's hurry, here comes E.T. to pick us up.

See our 4th of July picnic here!

Phelicity: Here we is, it's a new sidewalk cafe. Wif bluuuue tables.

Ginger: We must be early. We can pick out da bestest table.

Phelicity: Let's sit in da shade so we doesn't wilt.

Ginger: Yeah, where the purrdy flowers won't wilt, either.

Phelicity: I doesn't see any menus.

Ginger: I don't see any waiters.

Phelicity: I doesn't smell any food.

Ginger: Mew think dis really is a sidewalk cafe?

Phelicity: Hmmmm.... let's go find a corny dog stand.

It's almost da end of da summer! An we gots plans!

Ginger: Hurry! (puff puff) Dey's gettin away!

Phelicity: Eeeek! (puff puff) If dey jumps in da water, we's sunk.

Ginger: Yeah, real wet sunk.

Phelicity: Wait! Dere's one of dem, is dat Myrtle Mae?

Ginger: Nope, I think dat's Gravel Gertie.. der's Myrtle runnin dat way!

Phelicity: (sigh) Gertie would be da one in da water.

Know why we hadda catch our ducks? Cuz we's going to da County Fair an.... mew will see. Come join us!

Da Cat Mountain County Fair

And mew must see our Summer Nights!
