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Me an Ginger rode all around the park to the end of the lake an found where the ducks was! Our fafurite Canade goose came, too.
Ginger: Wow, I nefur saw so many ducks at once! How we gonna get dem to come outta da water?
Phelicity: We's runnin outta bread crumbs an dey's still shy. Dem aren't da ones we was chasin .. I mean ...
Ginger: I see a table up der by da path. Let's go sit an plot ... uh, think about it.
Phelicity: Dis was a good idea, dey follows da bread crumbs an liddle crackers if we purrtends not to watch.
Ginger: Yup, we didn't even haff to chase..... uh, encourage dem. *mewgiggles*
Phelicity: Oh my, it's so hard not to ...I sure wants to.. ummm, ..... where's dem crackers?
Ginger: We gotta get E.T. to come wiff us. He'll nefur belief dis!
Then we was at my house one day an......

Ginger: We got plenny cheeses an sausage to make a pizza today.
Phelicity: What a good idea! I gots a can of biskits fur da crust. An I'm starffing.
Ginger: But mew's eating a sammich.
Phelicity: Oh this? This is just cuz my fondoo pot got empty.

Ginger: Mmmmm, didn't we do goood! Oooops, da cheese is drippin..
Phelicity: Eeeek. No wonder dey puts dem in boxes. What'll I do?
Ginger: Here's sommore cheese, we can replace it. Uh.. is your floor clean?
Phelicity: Goodness yes, rememfur I just wiped up da... ummm....
Uh.......dat's all da pizza story. After we got good baths, we dressed up to go to dinner wif E.T..

E.T.: Woo-hoo! Dey said dis was a nice big buffet here.
Phelicity: Yummmmmm, it sure is! Where's da fried chicken?
Ginger: Here, it's on dis side. Where's da fried shrimpies?
Phelicity: Dem's ofur here by me, I gots one.
E.T.: Wait, lemme get us some plates, girls. Hold on!
Phelicity: I'm holdin. We might need two plates, Ginger.
Ginger: I hope dey got big tables here.
We gots lotsa country-western stuff comin up soon. We's goin shopping!
Ginger: Oh, aren't dem purrty skirts!
Phelicity: Lookit da cowgirl boots! Dem are elegant.
Ginger: I don't see any purple ones.
Phelicity: No blue neiffur. Ooooh, dey gots blue skirts, tho.
Phelicity: What's ofur dere, is dat jewelry?
Ginger: Nope, I think dey's bolo ties.
Phelicity: What's a bolo? How come dey wears ties?
Ginger: I gots no idea. *mewgiggles*
Summer Days Page 3, Picnics!
See our special Summer Nights!
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