Welcome to our Flamenco Tour of Spain! The Fantasticat Dancers, offurwise known as the four Cat Mountain kitties, are bestest furriends and pardners known here as Esteban, Musetta, Phelicitina and Gingerita. We learned to dance the Flamenco, and we are now gifing purrformances. We got invited to Spain, where Flamenco dancing started, because American kitties dancing it are so unique.
Here is your ticket!

Ginger, E.T., Phelicity and Mewsette

This was our furst purrformance on a Madrid stage. We was nerfuss, but we did great!

Then we were asked to do it fur a T.V. show! We felt like stars!

Mewsette, E.T., Phelicity, Ginger

We added more dances to our act, and Esteban plays the guitar sometimes! He's furry good!

These are some special sets purrformed by Esteban and Musetta.

When he and Phelicitina purrformed at the Starlight Club, they were a smash!

Mewsette, E.T., Phelicity, Ginger

We always had sefurral curtain calls!

PAGE 2: See the rest of the tour!