Our Romance, page 2
We got home from our trip to Mexico last night. It took my poor darlin an hour to carry in all my sisfur's stuff, after he'd just carried in all his sisfur's stuff at their house. We just couldn't leaf each offur, so we sat and spooned in my hammock till dawn. This is my wink reachin fur a kiss: Isn't he the cutest thing? >x<
Wednesday: Today was my E.T.'s birffday, and he had a great birffday party! We had the best time! It's kinda challenging to play miniature golf when mew are holding paws all day, mewhehe! Ginger gave him a trip fur two to Hawaii! And said I'm one of the two. Oh, wow! Thank mew, Ginger! Guess where we're going on our... umm, *blush* ,...guess where we're going!
We went on a picnic, just us two. We gathered these luffly wildflowers and bought some yummy peachy jam on the way. It's gooood, an it's nice'n sticky so... nefur mind. I luffed hafing all day long wif my wink to .... nefur mind. When he brought me home, Phelicity and Ginger had gone to pick up my hope chest! Oh, it's so beautifur! I'm already thinkin what I wanna put in it.

Saturday: Ginger sent me the cutest magazine, and has it got good stuff in it! Ohhhh, my! I already ordered somethin fur my hopechest *blush*:
I rememfur how I wore E.T.'s red necktie around my leg one night a long time ago, when we was all out celebrating somethin. He thought it looked better there. And look what my luff brought me to put by my hammock he gave me fur my birffday. It's there in the grass where I can see it efurry day. He is soooooooo good to me!
Tuesday: My luff made beautifur windchimes fur me from the shells he got on the beach in Mexico. See how they dance in the breeze! And he gave me this elegant jeweled purse! Oh wow, I'm gonna carry this wif me efurywheres! He came ofur so we could make wedwink plans. We don't wanna wait, it'll be soon.

Thursday: Isn't this the most darling thing mew efur saw? My sweet wedwink-to-be gave me this ankle bracelet wif such beautifur green stones! I luff this, I luff finding new places to wear jewelry. He took me fur a ride on his motorcycle, too, wheeee! We had the best time!
Today I was in a bridal shop wif our sisfurs. We chose their bridesmaid dresses, and umm, I brought some things home, too. My luff and I haf already gone to pick out rings. I'm hearing bells.
Saturday: I could hardly belief this! Come and see how E.T. took me Flying to the Moon tonight! Oh my, that was thrilling! Specially when he put our space ship on automatic pilot.
Yup, there's a Page 3
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