Welcome to my 19th birthday party! I can hardly belief I'm 19 years old today! Of course, I don't look a day ofur 9, my fella says so.
My sisfur Phelicity, our bestest gurlfurriend, Ginger, and my sweet fella, E.T., are here to help me celebrate. We all got dressed up and they brought me to see this luffly garden. Aren't the flowers gorgeous here? And I look purrty good myself fur 19, huh? |
There's a garden house ofur there. Come on, we're going in from the garden.
Thank mew, E.T.. And what's in this room? Oh, my, lookit that!
ET: Happy Birffday! Did we manage to surprise mew?
Mewsette: Well, mewhehe! when mew haf been around as long as I ... I mean, wow, mew sure did! Oboy, champagne and efurrything!
Ginger: I helped set the table, and here, these purrty lilacs from the garden will make it efen more festive.
Phelicity: I gots some birffday presents fur mew here, and there's more, too. Happy Birffday, Sisfur!
E.T.: Here, I poured us some champagne. We ordered plenty of fresh seafood fur your guests, too.
Mewsette: Thank mew, mmm-mmmm, does that food smell good! This cake is almost too purrty to cut, and oboy, Salmon Creme ice cream, my fafurite kind! Thank mew all! What a wonderfur birffday party!
Help yourselfs to the food, champagne, cake and ice cream! (but I want them stuffed crabs!)
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Look, E.T. sent me 19 gorgeous red roses!

And oh, look, what just came to the door! 'Scuse me, I haf somekitty to kiss.
Come and see my birffday presents!
Thank mew efur so, Phelicity! Mew sure do know what I like!

My E.T. gave me the biggest, most wonderfur surprise! My own special hammock, in the roses and flowers, all soft and luxurious. I'll spend many dreamy hours there. Thank mew so much, my luff.
Look at the gorgeous emerald bracelet Ginger gave me! Oh, my, how it sparkles! These luffly flowers are from her, too. Thank mew furry much, Ginger!

Thank mew efur so, Scully, Fox, Spud and Mercury!

Thank mew Levi and Maggie, what a beautifur card and oboy, I luff my tiara!

Thank mew Scraps, Zena, Neek and Jordan! I luff my beautifur watch! And I'm packing my suitcases right now! :-)
I dropped my lace hankie in the garden. Mew will find it here, on a momento fur mew to keep. Thank mew fur coming to my party!
Thank mew, E.T. >x<
I'd luff it if mew would sign my guestbook! Thank mew efur so!
Read my DreamBook guestbook!
Sign my DreamBook!
And something else! I'm soooo excited, cuz the four of us are leafing on a sea cruise to Mexico! Mew are invited to come wif us on this furry special trip RIGHT HERE!
Now my wink and my luff, E.T., just had his birffday too! Click on the catnip gift below. I guarantee it's furry heady stuff. (The catnip) :-)
My 19th jewel Efurry year on my birthday, my mom finds me a new jewel fur my jewelbox. This year my jewel is a gorgeous purple heart!

Mew can see my jewel box HERE. Mine is the one in the middle.
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