Mewsette and E.T., wedwinked life page 2
E.T. and I just had our second Wedwink Annifursary! It's been two whole monffs already! Lookit the gorgeous flowers he brought me! And he gave me a diamond necklace, look! I nefur saw anything so beautifur.
I wore it that night. Wow, I'm such a lucky girl! Mew won't belief what a wonderpurr surprise he had fur me. Come see where my luff took me fur our annifursary! Click on the portrait of us there.
I was soooo thrilled an excited! I luff Madama Butterfly, an nefur dreamed I'd get to go to the opera an really see it! I guess my luff is used to me askin him fur a hanky when he surprises me, cuz he is so good to me.
We go out to dinner a lot, an we haf some fafurite places. Like the Italian restaurant wif the dark booth in the corner, where we can snuggle an kiss ... er, spaghetti an meatballs by candlelight. Here we had stopped in at the Bolero Bar befur going in to dinner. It caught my eye cuz we learned to dance the Bolero. Mew will find out why soon.
E.T. takes me dancing a lot, he knows how I luff to dance, an he sure is a good dancer himself. Wow.
An now I'll tell! We entered the Cat Mountain Dance Recital wif our 3 best dances, an we got rave reviews! Come to see the Recital, the whole thing is wonderpurr!
Here's our own Recital page to show the luffly awards we all won. Click on the roses my luff sent me that night.
We go out in the boat on our lake fur kissin.... er, ...fishin a lot these summer days, an haf picnics an ice cream suppers wif our sisfurs, or all go to Cat-Cheezy togeffur. We luff being one happy family.
Sometimes if we go bike riding or fur a ride on his motorcycle, we like to stop at a secret spot we found. It's purrfect fur a private liddle picnic.

After all the excitement of the recital, we all went off camping to relax an play an fish an eat an..... all kindsa fun stuff. We got that liddle tent fur a wedwink gift, an we knew it would be fun to snuggle in.
My luff carved our names on a tree there. I luff him sooooo much, too.
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