Page Three

Closeups of Les Girls
Phelicity at 5 years old

This was when we lived on a mountain, and I was on the big table where Mom used to sit and make kitty things. I helped her lots and lots! All the time I helped! She could nefur haf done it all wifout me!

Mewsette at 12 years old

This is me in that house on the mountain not so long ago, when I had furry lots to contemplate. Like where was my toy lammie and where did I hide my mousie, and was it time for a treat yet?

BamBam at 17

Well, I always have been the serious actress in our house. I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille.

Action Shots of us girls!

Me, Phelicity, scratching on my scratch pad! Each of us girls has one. Sometimes Mom puts fresh catnip on them and, meowie-wow, that is furry fun!

Me, Mewsette, stretching under the table fur my exercise. Actually, I spend a lot of time under the table. It is the best place to go and pout when I want something, like attention! I like this picture. You see why Mom calls me the Marilyn Monroe of cats?

Me, BamBam. Action? Well, umm,... I did get up on this chair. And I shall presently get off the chair. And you will note my eyes are open.

And some of our favorite places to be...

Me, Phelicity, in the bathtub. Why? Oh, I just like it there. My meow echoes. And the water drips. And I know where I look cute!

Me, Mewsette, at the open door, where I can feel the sunshine on my fur and the breeze in my face. And so I can see what is going on out there - I am still a furry curious kitty fur 14 years old!

Me, BamBam? Well, I'm in the middle, and when I am not sleeping on top of a heat vent in the winter, I am right here on the couch. The couch really belongs to us girls, you understand. But we let Mom sit on the other side if she's quiet

A word from "Mom"

Yes, I am very well trained. I have a couchful of Cat and a bedful of Birman. In my opinion, there is no nicer way to live.

Purrlease visit our other pages!

The Queens and I

Our Wonderfur Profiles Page!

Our Beautifur Framed Photos Pages!

This is the kitty angel we girls adopted for our page from Madame Alto. His name is Sacha, after BamBam's love and Mewsette's papa. He was not a Birman, but he looked so much like one that his untimely loss at only two years old is what began the search for Phelicity. So his legacy lives on in all of us.

Mew may send us meows and treats here:

Thank mew furry much fur visiting us! We hope mew haf enjoyed it and will come back soon!

And now mew simply must come and see our newest page, The Golden Girls. It's lotsa fun, and mew will get the "real stuff" on us girls!
and remember...

©2000-2002 by Sharon Goodman

An Indoor Cat, Is A Safe Cat Ring
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