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Dey does a thing called Historical Vignettes at da photography studio, dat makes nice furmily portraits. At furst I thot dey said historical an yaks, an I brot my best Tibetan yak picture to help. I likes Tibetan yaks.

But dat wasn't it, dey means times when kitties dressed diffurnt dan we does now. An yes, kitties was dressin back in dem days, too. I've seen picture postcards from a hunderd years ago, an we was! So we conned .... uh ... talked our brofur E.T. into comin wif us, and got some furmily Vignettes made. I think. Dere's no yak in dem.

Furst we posed in outfits from da 1890's. Wow, kitties sure dressed elegant back den. An girls carried ruffled parasols, not plain ole boring umbrellas dat only means somekitty is gonna get wet, eeek!.

In da Victorian age, efurrything was so elegant an fancy. We luffed posing in dese outfits. We looks like luxury!

Den we wore Victorian efening clothes. Oh my, dey was elegant too! Ginger an me luffed our tiaras but I doesn't think E.T. was furry fond of his hat.

So we looked fur somethin he might like better, cuz he was bein so sweet about it. Ummmm.... he did mention cowboys, but.. ummmm... well, we all liked bein
Ragtime kitties!

Den we felt like somethin diffurnt, a sunny hacienda in old Spain.
I luffs furmily portraits!

I think we'll come back again an pose fur sommore soon.

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