![]() Sometimes it's rainy outside to make da flowers grow. Den we goes to da game hall. ![]() Phelicity: Dis'll be so fun! I luffs to play ping-pong! E.T.: Dis is a good game hall. I'm going ofur dere to da foozball game. Ginger: *whack* Ooopsy. Dem liddle balls sure bounces away easy! Phelicity: *whack* eek *mewgiggles* Dat one almost went out da window. E.T.: Hold on, I'll get yer balls. Den I'm goin to da foozball ...... Ginger: Oh, thank mew, mew are so sweet. *whack* uh.. I'll try dat again. Phelicity: Here comes one *whack* Oh goodness, where did it go? E.T.: Okay, here's dese balls .. uh ...just a secont, I'll get dose on my way to da foozball... Ginger: *whack* ooh, I hit dat one back! Phelicity: Thank mew, E.T.. Oopsie, I missed *whack* Wow, lookit dat! E.T.: Here .. maybe if mew hit da balls real easy... so I can go to da fooz .... Ginger: Oh yes, E.T., mew go ahead ofur dere. *whack* Ooopsie. Phelicity: I'll try wiff dis one. *whack* Dere! It went straight .... oh. E.T.: Here's dat one. *sigh* Now I'm goin to da ... Ginger: Thank mew, more balls. *whack* Wowwww. ......*mewgiggles* Phelicity: Oooh, good one! *whack* oooh.....not so good. E.T.: Gimme one of dem paddles, pleaze... Ginger: Goodie, we'll all play! Sure enuff, all da rain brought out beautipurr flowers. ![]() Now it can stop raining! Any time. Purrlease? Of course, da bestest place fur girls if it's rainy out is in department stores. Come join our shoppin day wif our furriends Right Here BACK |