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We're back at the pony farm. We found out if we had a pony of our furry own, we could board him here.
Ginger: Oh, he's a purrdy pony, an gentle, too. What's his name?
Phelicity: Dey said his name is Pippin. Hop in, we can drive the cart back to your house an show E.T. how good we's doin.
Ginger: ulp. All by ourselfs?
Phelicity: Sure! Dey said we could. Dey must think ... ummm, ...one of us knows how. *mewgiggles*
We had kinda a meandering drive, but we got to see lotsa purrty scenery an eventually we did find E.T. He drove us all in the cart back to the farm. I wonder why we got back a lot faster. Oh. Okay, dere's two words mew needs to know fur driving a pony cart, "Gee-yup" an "Whoa", an mew dasn't get dem mixed up.

We walked some ponies out here on this trail. Ginger's pony wants to lead her, she might want a diffurnt pony, but E.T.'s is well-behaved. Mine is Moonbeam, he likes to show off.
We's gonna learn to ride dem next. Honest! Really!
This pony's name is Gracie. She's not as rambunctious as Moonbeam is.
I gots a book all about how to know my pony. Now I just needs the pony.
Moonbeam or Gracie? Hmmmmm.

Next: Riding the Ponies!
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