Nights of Stars (and offur nights too)
I luffs to dance, and so does my whole furmily! That's my sisfur Mewsette, her wedwink E.T. an my sisfur-in-law Ginger, who's also my bestest gurlfurriend an my partner at the Princess Dance Studio. Besides running the Studio an teaching dance classes there, we all goes out to purrform at the Night of Stars efurry monff at our fafurite dance hall. We's all seasoned Flamenco dancers since our furbulously successful Flamenco Tour of Spain. So we had a great time at the Flamenco Night of Stars.

And us 3 girls had the mostest fun on South American Night, when we all danced as Carmen Miranda. E.T. was our bandleader, but the band was in dem stereo speakers. So he could keep his eyes on Mewsette.

Den dey purrformed a furrific Tango. My, that's a romantic dance.

Now party nights! I gots dates fur two diffurnt New Year's parties comin up!
I'm going to the New Year's Eve Ball given by Bitsy's Belles wif Frenchie

Frenchie is furry courtly an purrlite, we'll haf a luffly time. I gots to go look stuff up in
Babelfish when he talks to me but I did learn to say merci beau coop. *mewgiggles*
Update on that: Well, guess not. The Ball got cancelled a few days befur Christmas.
Update on the update: Well, it worked out cuz my furmily threw a party at the Crystal Ballroom at the last minit and dey all came to that. Then a week or so later dey had the offur ball.
My date fur the party at the 20th Century Guild is Mercury.
Mercury is furry nice an so lotsa fun, an he sent me flowers an he likes me. Ooooooh, I'm gonna
kick up my .... ... well, kitties doesn't got heels, I'm gonna haf a .... ... well, kitties doesn't
like blasts, okay, I'm gonna ummm ...... ask him to be my partner in dance classes at the studio.
Mew think he will? (answer below)
Update: We had a whole lotsa fun at the 20th party, good food, lotsa dancin and I think some kitties got winked there. By then I was purrty fulla champa.... uh, .. I was waitin fur dem to cut that big cake.
Okay, that's enuff updates on dates.
Actually, I probly did purrty good but I learnt ....
a girl needs to plan New Year's Eve a liddle better than that.
(The answer was yes.)