Our Romance, page 3
Sunday: This is where we spent a lotta the weekend. It's a furry good place fur making plans. E.T. always takes us all out to a big, yummy Sunday brunch, but yesterday I made him scrambled eggs wif cheese and cream. At least he knows I can cook somethin besides river fish ofur a campfire.
Tuesday: E.T. ordered all the flowers fur our wedwink today, and brought me this luffly bouquet, cuz it was called "Sweeter than sugar". Awww, that's what he is, too. He made a page about being in luff, too, and it's so sweet. He said mew can peek at it here.
Wednesday: I got more purrty things to put in my hope chest, satin pillowcases and a duvet cover. That's not all, but it's all you're gonna see *blush*. It sure is getting filled up! E.T. tried on his new tux fur our wedwink and my heart got so poundy! Ginger and Phelicity helped me wif the train on my gown, so I'm ready too. But he's not gonna see me in it till I walk down the aisle to him.

Friday: We sent out our wedwink invitations and got our rings back from the engravers. My, but I am being pampered! E.T. has taken me out to dinner almost efury night this week, and last night we danced until dawn.
I'm floating all the time and so happy I could burst, I'm sure not a jittery bride-to-be, so why am I teary so much? I kept asking E.T. fur his hanky since I nefur can find any kleenex in my house (my sisfur eats it)and he gave me this luffly hanky of my own. Awwww, 'sniff. >x<
Sunday: We've been so busy planning efurything at the chapel, it's so exciting! Last night we finally got some quiet hammock time. My luff gave me this beautifur luffbirds necklace! I've had it on efur since. It was made fur us, look at the tops of the liddle birds' heads. The boy's is black and the girl's is red, just like ours. E.T. knows the top of my head furry well.

Flowers from my sweet luff and wedwink-to-be. Things are moving furry fast. We're going to the chapel and getting wedwinked this weekend. I'm so excited! An I'm furry calm. Honest. I can be boff at once. Next thing will be our Wedwink Day linked here.
May 15, 2005 is our Wedwink Day. Click on our portrait!
Then click here fur my Honeymoon Page
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