Our Honeymoon

Mewsette and E.T. on our Wedwink Day

It was a short engagement, wasn't it? Thank goodness! My luff E.T. and I were wedwinked May 15, 2005, in the afternoon, at the Wayfarers Chapel on the Pacific Ocean. It was the most beautifur and happy and purrfect wedwink imaginable, just like a dream! E.T. sent me these luffly roses just befur the ceremony.


And that's not all. Look what he showed me in the limo on the way to our reception:

Our Furry Own Home!

My sweetheart built a luffly house fur us! Look, it's on a lake an efurything! I was so surprised I would haf cried, but I was too busy kissin him. The limo had tinted windows. *blush*

The next morning we left fur our honeymoon in Hawaii. Oooooh, what a heafenly place to be in luff. E.T. gave me my furst plumeria, an I wore it in the correct place, too. Cuz I am his!

He bought me this cute liddle pineapple purse, an a beautifur silk hibiscus dress the next day. I got him some surf trunks cuz I had a swimsuit wif me, and we learned to ride a surfboard one day! E.T. took this picture when we was getting ready to go down to the Tiki room and then to a luau one night.

Come to see our honeymoon photo album RIGHT HERE.
Not all of our pictures were back when we made it, tho. Here we are on the beach again. E.T. looks so cute in his shorts. I wrapped my pareo around my liddle shorts.

Luffers in the Birds of Paradise

Then one night there my sweet E.T. gave me a furry diffurnt kind of plumeria, this exquisite gold pendant. Do I haf the most wonderfur wedwink in the world or what?

E.T. took this one, too, our last day in the Outrigger when we was gettin ready to pack fur going home. I piled up all our coconut shells from our drinks in the Tiki. My goodness, we had lots! We're gonna take them home an plant catnip in them.

Here we are ready to go home. This wasn't all, we had our big burlap sack of coconut shells an a pineapple, too.

They can go on the patio by our purrty peach tree E.T. put in back of our new home. I can hardly wait till he carries me ofur the threshhold. It's Sunday, we'll be home from our honeymoon today and wedwinked fur a whole week! And just see what my luff gave me fur our one-week annifursary, this gorgeous plumeria bracelet!

We are home. Yes, my wedwink carried me ofur the threshhold. I'm the happiest gurl in the world and he says he's the happiest boy. We've begun our sweet forefur togeffur.

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