This was Sisfur and me in the alcove just befur our birffdays in April.
Her room was nice an neat but we was not purrleased wif mine. Since then,
Sisfur got wedwinked and moved outta hers. So I'm remodeling mine.
Mewsette: Okay, I'm goin home wif E.T. now. An where mew goin in that skimpy liddle dress?
Phelicity: Nowheres, yet. I wants to show it to Ginger when she gets here.
Mewsette: Well, later on why don't mew an Ginger c'mon ofur to our house, we'll haf a cookout on the patio. Like, wear jeans, mewhehe!
Phelicity: Oh goodie, we will! Tell E.T. I said thanks again fur helping us move my furnitures around.
Mewsette: He's such a sweet boy, he luffs to help. Your room looks nice now, but that closet.....
Phelicity: ahem. Leaf us not mention the state of my closet.
Ginger: Oh, I luffs how mew fixed up your room. It's lots more ..umm, ..roomier. *mewgiggles*
Phelicity: Thank mew, I sure does like it better. An see? this is my new Dior dress.
Ginger: Mew mean dat designer Dior? A real one?
Phelicity: Yup. I found it inna retreads shop.
Ginger: Retreads? Phelicity, that's tires fur cars.
Phelicity: Oh. Well,.... then it was a Vintage shop. We needs to go togeffur an see what else they gots!
Ginger: How are mew gonna get anoffur thing into your closet?
Phelicity: (sigh) I doesn't know. Let's go look.
Ginger: It's nice in here, dis part isn't so messy. I luff trying on gowns fur a fancy ball or something!
Phelicity: Yup, I wish we had one to go to. That purple is purrfect on mew. This is my slinky blue one.
Ginger: Ooooh, mew look elegant in dat! Didn't it haf a liddle hat to match?
Phelicity: Yup. Not gonna wear it. Dat makes it too demure like Sisfur always tole me to be. I wants to be slinky.
Ginger: It's not easy fur liddle short gurls like us to be slinky.
Phelicity: I knows, I really gots to work at it.
Phelicity: This is the liddle blue scoopy number mew found fur me in that new shop. Mew think it's too ....ummmm, ....
Ginger: Wow, it is kinda ....ummm, ...
Phelicity: I knows, sure shows a lotsa ....ummm,...
Ginger: On da offur paw, it's sure ...ummm,....
Phelicity: Yup. I'm gonna wear it anyways.
to be continued......soon as I clean up the rest of the closet
(Monffs later: I did it! C'mon into MY BIG CLOSET!