Mewsette: C'mon girls, wanna go fur a walk wif us? It's such a purrty day!
E.T.: Look how red the trees are turning, an the leafs crackle underfoot.
Phelicity: We gonna walk down to the lake? Let's bring our stuff, Ginger.
Ginger: Maybe we'll see some geese flying ofur again. I got da decoy.
Mewsette: Decoy?
Phelicity: I got da goose call.
E.T.: Goose call?
Ginger: Yup, we're gonna call da geese to stop down here at da lake...
Phelicity: Yup, wif da goose call, an they'll come down to meet our decoy too....
Ginger: Yup, an when dey see how nice it is here ...
Mewsette: They'll see two kitties right there, too.
Phelicity: hmmmmmmmmmm.
Phelicity: Wowie-meows, we was sooo lucky to find dis ole duck blind! Mew got your tail in, Ginger?
Ginger: I think so .... yup. Wish we'd known about dis when we was after da ducks all summer.
Phelicity: Me too! I hope it works fur gooses. shhhhh.
Ginger: Yeah, it's sure a good hidey place. shhhhhh.
Phelicity: Where's da goose call? Oh dear.
Ginger: Did mew leaf it out dere? eeeek.
Phelicity: shhhhhh. Did mew hear somethin? Is that honkin?
Ginger: shhhhhh. What's dat rushy sound? Is dat wings?
Ginger: Wow, der so purrdy!
Phelicity: Wow, dem are big!
Ginger: Look, I'm all goose-bumpy!
Phelicity: *mewgiggles* Thats' da right kinda bumpy.
Ginger: *mewgiggles* Der not efen skeered of us.
Phelicity: That big one wasn't furry purrlite to our decoy.
Ginger: Dem are Canada geese, tho. Dey's specially nice ones.
Phelicity: I knows. Let's go tell Sisfur an E.T. they's here.
Ginger: Yeah, dey will nefur belief dis!

Mewsette: Thank mew fur puttin my shawl on me, my luff. >x<
E.T. I luff dat shawl on mew. Remember when I gave mew dat .. on da plane? >x<
Mewsette: Yes, befur we was .... My goodness, what's all that racket?
E.T.: It's gotta be our sisfurs. I wonder what dey did now.
The last holiday of Summer
Our Wedwinked Life
Visit E.T. and Ginger here
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