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¥¥¥--So Close--But Yet, So Far--¥¥¥

Hello friends of Kenny Mitchell, I am Virgil, Kenny's Guardian Angel and You are reading my Online Diary of Kenny's Life....

With a new car, and two weeks vacation, The Mitchell family were going boldly where they had never gone before together----and the night before leaving Kenny's dad had the roadmaps marked and everything was set and the one thing that put Me the Guardian Angel on extra duty along with Kenny's Mom and Dad's Guardian Angels was right before they left for the trip they all joined hands in prayer and Kenny's Dad prayed for God's Protection on their trip and as we all felt the surge of extra power come down we hovered over this family for this long journey that they were taking...and for good reason...

Kenny's mother had never taken a long car trip before, and she had a very sensitive stomach so she was already a bit nervious and after the first 300 miles she was getting a bit car sick....
Kenny's dad was torn between stopping alot or trying to get to Las Vegas as quickly as He could. He decided the latter of the two and the first day they basically drove 1000 miles of the trip...Which, as most of you know, was too much for anyone, being a first time traveler.....
As they lay exhausted in their motel rooms that night, I had to do my part to calm Kenny down, because He was not tired at all, but I knew His Parents needed the rest.

Due to Kenny's mom continue to be sick, they passed within miles of many great landmarks, Meteor Crater, the Grand Canyon, The Painted Desert, just to name a few, and I sort of helped Kenny make a game out of watching the road signs and seeing how close they actually came to all these great places without getting to go visit them.

One of the most exciting parts of this trip as they were driving down the highway was they looked ahead of them and saw some very dark in the sky, everyone in the car thought it was a storm cloud, then to their amazement they went around a curve and saw they were facing a portion of a beautiful Gigantic mountain.

The next stage of the trip came as they entered the Mojave Desert and all three of Us Angels had to join together to keep this Family cool. The temps were up to 110° and the air conditoner in their car froze up on them so they started dipping into the ice chest and rubbing cubes and drinking water and wet down clothes to wipe on their faces, especially Kenny's mom who was almost to the point of total exhaustion.

The miles were clicking away, they were so close, but now they had to slow down to 20 miles and hour and circle for 3 miles around a mountain and they passed their final scenic attraction, which was the beautiful HOOVER DAM...

They kept praying---the car keep running and they finally made it to Aunt Jackies house that night around 6pm.....

I, being the Guardian Angel for Kenny, was glad that both His mom and dad had wonderful Guardian Angels, too, but most satisfying was the fact that they continued to call on the Lord and trust Him through this whole trip......
Kenny's Moms famous statement as they rode back into home after the trip was....."THANK YOU GOD, that is the closest I have ever been to HELL out there and I know I won't ever go again."

Kenny, himself, was young enough that He found fun in every part of the trip, including their trip to Mount Charles, which was outside of Las Vegas where they got to actually drive around and climb on one of the mountains they could see from His Aunt's House....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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