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¥¥¥¥~~~High School Memories~~~¥¥¥¥

Hello Friends, This is Virgil, once again, sharing with you the story of my Guardian Duties of my human friend, Kenny.....

God reminded me that there were reasons for vacations as well as reasons for sleep and waking hours....To be prepared for what lies ahead....

Freshman Year for Kenny 1969-1970 would be a "FRESH" year indeed....

Kenny would require me way more than he would have ever expected.....

Kenny and Charles remained good friends, and for the most part, Kenny had great teachers, enjoyed school and stayed out of trouble....

But this particular year was the last of the AMAZON SENIORS ---(this is a true fact in which I, myself, looked up future year books and not any Senior Guys compared with the Evil Hulk-like Creatures that somehow all ended up in one P.E. Class, and Kenny just happened to be one of the unfortunate Freshmen who also attended that Fifth hour Torture Chamber).

Topping all that off, the P.E. teacher for that period was a bonefide basketball coach for the school and looked at every guy that happened to be in P.E. rather than playing in a sport--AS A TOTAL LOSER and he seem to enjoy watching the Freshmen get mistreated....

The coach had this extreme pleasure of offering as physical education a game called DODGE BALL, in which they played with hard rubber balls the size of a regulation SOFTBALL and he would let the Seniors play against the Freshmen....

and so, I, as part of my angelic duties had to be out there on the Court flinging these objects of pain away from Kenny as often as I could.

Kenny had this very trying class 3 days a week and when he went home at lunch, I proudly remember Him always saying to his mom as he headed back to school, "PRAY FOR ME MOM, I HAVE P.E. TODAY!"

Plus even more amazing, Kenny's mild manner and his postive attitude toward these SENIOR AMAZON BULLIES was one that would throughout the Year, prove to win over several of these guys, that would later become pretty good friends with Kenny.

By the end of the year, most of the rough stuff was over, most everyone in the room had became friends and the Seniors finally realized that they were going to have to go out and face real life, themselves and many of them, as I noticed, got their just desserts for their treatment of the Freshmen kids that year.....

Through Prayer, Courage, and ME.....Kenny survived His Freshman Year, and when summer came again, it was very easy for Kenny to THANK GOD it was over, and to push it all aside as another victory that His Mom's prayers had gotten Him through.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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