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¥¥¥¥~~~Life Throws A Curve~~~¥¥¥¥

1995....The Year started out basically good.

Kenny's two sons were both at a pretty good time in their lives...
Derek was almost 10 years old and Joey was headed toward 17 and was working at several jobs and sporting around a rather nice car that Kenny and Derek's Moms moneys had helped him get...He only had to come up with his insurance and the monthly payment.

Kenny's Mom and Dad were still happily trudging along with life and love and helping Kenny now and then when his finances fell in the red zone...

In the middle of the year God called all the angels together in The Mitchell Homeplace for a special family meeeting..

They picked a time when Kenny had gone over to eat a meal with them where I could be present with his mom and dad's Guardian Angels at the same time.....Ellanore was Mrs. Mitchell's angel and Jacob was Mr. Mitchell's angel...

The very trying times were about to be cast upon the Mitchell Family and God brought all of Us together to join as one unit when the times were right and to do God's will in the whole procedure, which meant that Jacob would be returning to Heaven for a new assignment before all was said and done.

We left that meeting that day with mixed emotions, but as only Angels really know....God's plan is so excellent...always....

So we knew our jobs and we all went to work in preparation for the coming events..

In late July of 1995 R.L. Mitchell went to the doctor for his yearly physicial and the doctor found a lump around his colon area.

R.L. was encouraged to go see a specialist and the final opinion was.....There needed to be an operation to remove it....because it looked to be cancerous...

The prayers around town, through the pages of the Uplifter began going up and Mom and Dad both stood strong in the power of the Lord to heal and undertake.....

I just kept hovering around Kenny sprinkling out as much peace and wisdom as I could, because I knew he would have to be there and help pull things together from time to time...

Kenny's Dad took things quite well and kept working at the Bank as long as he could..

The surgery took place in September of 1995, and the news was not good....The tumor was cancerous and also alot larger than the doctors had anticipated....

As the doctor came out of the operating room with this news...I held Kenny up and gave him strength and told him to PRAY PRAY PRAY....

R.L. made it through the surgery, the doctor's felt they had gotten all the bad cells, but wanted to do follow up chemo and radiation therapy on him, just in case....

This procedure would last almost a year, all together....

Kenny's dad, as soon as he could, went back to work and only took off on days that he had to go have his treatments....

They were watching him out at the bank, and they could see he was getting weaker....

Finally he took a leave of absence and by the first few months of 1997, he found out from his Cancer Doctor the worse news of all...

The cancer had spread to his liver and there wasn't anyway they could stop it...

This was a time for extreme sadness for all of Us.

Even though Us Angels know how much better heaven is than earth, when families have to be split up -- it is oh so painful for humans, that we can't keep from hurting with them, but at the same time it is our job to comfort them.

R.L.s Doctor had informed him to go home and enjoy what life he had left....

He told Mr. Mitchell that there shouldn't be any pain involved as the cancer spread throughout his liver, and that he would just go along and then one day, like falling off a cliff...He would plunge fast and furious to the end.....

But between me and you.....I don't think Mr. Mitchell's doctor knew the whole story about how God and his angels handle things.....

Jacob, R.L.'s Angel, had told me that Kenny's dad was really a special man and was taking all of this with the dignity of a King.

The Day Kenny found out for sure that his dad was actually dying of this dreaded disease, he went to the porch of his mobile home and began to weep to God...

I just stood back and let God and Kenny have a one on one...

After the tears and talk was over...

I hugged Kenny's heart and soul and I know God Smiled because Kenny had accepted what was facing Him and knew his next priority was watching over his mother during the coming months.....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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