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---Dog Days and Angelic Peace---

From the point in 1995 when Kenny Found Out His dad was sick, there was such a distant but very well defined void spot inside of Him and God knew that....

Kenny was living in His moble home, for the most part by himself, except when His sons came over to spend the weekend with Him.

Kenny had always preferred cats to dogs as pets, but for some reason, He felt the need to have the love of Man's Best Friend...

So One day in mid 1996, Kenny and I went to the Local Humane Shelter, aka (dog pound) and Kenny surveyed the possibilities.

The conditions at the pound were poor.

The city did not have enough money to run it as it should, and the animal population without owners was running rampant at the time.

As Kenny looked around at all the caged dogs, all different sizes and colors and ages...some were wagging tails, jumping up, panting, barking happily, but I stopped Kenny in His tracks at a cage with a very quite Fox Terrier Mix dog Calico in color with Pointy ears and very short legs....

Kenny stuck his hand into the cage and the dog eased over and licked His finger one time and looked up to Kenny with his sad brown eyes.

We took the dog with Us..Such a great selection we had made.....The dogs name would be LB which as anyone knows is the abbreviation for "pound" where Kenny found Her.

LP was a great dog that never barked and helped Kenny over much of His sadness and lonliness at that time.

Within 6 months LP had the most adorable puppies, they were all fuzzy and cute only one had pointy ears like LB and that was the runt of the litter.

Kenny gave away all the other 4 dogs and kept the runt and called her... "DINKY" which ended up being dad and mom's dog....

When Kenny made his decision the move out of his trailer, He kept LB there and left all the utilities on and went by and checked on her each morning when he took his shower for work, and then went back and let her out several times before nightfall each day...

Mom and Dad had grown very attached to Dinky and Dinky was just a junior version of her mother, such a smart and loveable dog she was.

She laid right by Kenny's dad, even after they brought the hospital bed into room, she would spend most of her day....watching Mr. Mitchell's every move.

I could tell by the glow of R.L. angel, Jacob that time was coming to an end for R.L. life here on earth....

Friday, October 10th, 1997 was a day of mixed emotions in the Mitchell household. Kenny's Dad's final day on this earth began that early morning as He went into a coma like trance for the first half of the day, staring toward the sunshine through his window.

I could see even though Kenny couldnt that his dad was seeing glimpses of Heaven's Gate being opened for Him.

Early that afternoon, He came back long enough to visit with us, one last time before taking His peaceful, quiet journey into paradise a few minutes before nine o'clock that night... JACOB called down special angels that night to fill the Mitchell room where Kenny's dad's Soul was lifted up into the heavens.

Because Mr. Mitchell was a devoted Christian, Husband, Father, Grandfather and friend to all who knew him.

Even though, death makes our hearts trembles, from time to time, it is only a reminder that I must be ready to meet him again, and I feel that day will be coming very soon.

Meanwhile, R.L. Mitchell, will be spending his eternal retirement in Heaven......

(R.L. at 14 years old-school photo)

Wanda, whom had been weak and sick and worked so hard for R.L. that she was close to exhaustion, was given her boost by her guardian angel and was able to attend all of the visatation and funeral service without any problem.

As all the extra Angels along with Us danced around the Mitchell home for those few days, Praising the Lord and putting a song in each broken heart there, we also waved a farewell to our Great Angel Friend, Jacob who ascended back to heaven for his next duty call.

Meanwhile....The dogs, were both doing ok.

LB was still living in the mobile home and Kenny had decided it was time to shut the door on that part of his life, and He put an ad in the paper to try to sell it --- at cost, as is....and hoped He could do so, because he had found a good Christian Couple to take LB and give her a good home.....

DINKY continued to stay at the Mitchell Home and watch after Kenny's Mom.

The first Christmas without Mr. Mitchell was a sad and tough one, Kenny and his Mom didnt do very much celebrating but did decorate His Father's gravesite with beautiful Christmas Holly and Flowers...As The extra Angelic Helpers stayed around with me through the Holiday Season.

I knew I was going to have to be strong for Kenny because He had alot ahead in future that not even I knew at the time...but I still had my alert notices floating down to my at an increased rate from my boss and my creator, GOD!

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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