(((((P a g e * thirty-two)))))

‡‡‡Long Distance-Part One‡‡‡

I was informed by God that I had better enjoy the last few months of 1993, because I had my work cut out for me, for the next several years in a row.

That wasn't a surprise for a Guardian Angel though....And my human, Kenny, had not really given me that much of a workout so far in his life, so I brushed up on all of my Angelic Goodies and just hung with him as he built his life around getting his newsletter out each week, and being a good father...

One of Kenny's Most trusted Cousins, Gary, had written to him about a lady that He went to church with up in the St. Louis Area that was interested in getting the Uplifter.

The lady's name was Terri, she was widowed and had a ten year old daughter named, Shelly...

Something about this lady caught Kenny's interest and being they were both talented writers, the computers began their back and forth letter sending and this was before the web....So lots of envelopes and stamps...

After several months of talking on the telephone and visiting by means of the Uplifter and other letters, Terri asked if she could come to visit Kenny...

Poor Kenny was, at first scared, shocked and confused as to how to handle this situation....

He decided to book her a motel room for her and her daughter and invited them to come on down for their first face-to-face meeting...

Terri was a busy woman, with a blossoming carreer both in the Armed Forces and she also had a very good job in the city between her Army assignments.

After upholding Their Christian Morals, and it seems that Terri or Kenny never seeming to quite click together, although Kenny had almost convince himself that he was about to walk away from his hometown and everything he had been use to in life......He and Terri both decided basically at the same time, that they had tried as hard as humanly possible to make something happen that just wasn't going to happen...and it was time to pull away from the "connection direction" and just be good web friends as before.....

Kenny had gone as far as driving his old Monte Carlo up to the city and it had broken down on him on the interstate half way to his destination.

When the car overheated and lost a belt, as Kenny was just about to panic, I got out and directed it's path to a 24 hour truck stop right off the highway and Kenny was able to call his Cousin in the city...And Praise the Lord for a Cousin's Faithfulness, Gary came halfway to meet Kenny and bandaged his car, followed him the rest of the way to the city, and took care of him all the time he was there.....

A time Kenny will never forget in his life...

A time when I didn't have to step in but merely the love of one Christian Cousin for another that stood fast....

As 1994 came to an end.....Kenny was still on the Uplifter Path and little did he know that He and I were about to face new challenges in the future.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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