{~•~}••••p a g e ~ thirty-one••••{~•~}

¥¥¥¥¥~The Thorns and a Rose~¥¥¥¥

In the midst of great moments of success in weight loss, and a new feeling of lightness on his Feet, Kenny was almost at a point of happiness for the last part of 1991.

He was talking regularly on the cb radio at nights and doing his diet and exercises in such a slick, excellent pattern that all was well in the KJM Household...

Then he heard this voice one night on the cb that actually sounded like she may have an education above most of the other rascals that had been on before and he started talking with her....

Her name was Rose Williams......and after a few days, they finally met, and started dating and going to church where her father was the preacher...

Kenny had now changed from Pentecostal to Baptist, but at least, He was back in church again, on a regular basis, and I, being one working for the Lord, thought this could lead Kenny in a much better directions that not going at all.

In March of 1992, Kenny and Rose became married and bought a 4 year old mobile home and once again after almost 13 years .... Kenny was a married man....

Rose was really good with his two sons and at this time in their lives, they needed love, because their mom and step dad were having lots of problems and they would often ask to come over and stay with Us....

Rose talked to Kenny about how He needed to put some of his writing skills to good use and they decided to buy a computer and she would teach him how to use it.

She was a great teacher and He was hungry to learn all he could....So...He stayed up nights working on pages..learning how to make stuff from computer scratch using DOS......and actually got pretty good at it......

In August of 1992, things were slowing falling apart....Rose was beginning to get tired of Kenny's kids being around so much.

She wanted to get custody of them, so we could get the child support back and when that turned out not to happen, she told him that they didn't need to be coming over as often....I felt so sad for Kenny and his boys.

Kenny was so upset and he had a broken heart as well as theirs, because Joey and Derek had really gotten attached to her...

A day or so later, Kenny informed Rose that he would be moving out.......She was surprised, sort of.....and even pretended to be sad...I could see inside her though and I told Kenny it was just an act.......

The divorce was final in December of 1992 and Kenny was once again a free man, with two sons, and it was one wedding band that he gladly took off and thought to himself....."WILL I EVER FIND ANYONE WHO REALLY LOVES ME....." and his heart was so low and the song playing on most of the radio stations at that time was a pop hit entitled, "Sometimes Love Just Aint Enough" Seems like everytime Kenny got out in public someone would drive by in their car and that song would be playing...

At that point in Kenny's Life....He had decided he would live forever without finding his soulmate.

He didn't even have the urge to look around anymore....Just happy to be back in his peaceful existence of working, playing on the computer and taking care of his sons...

The beginning to the best part of Kenny's life was just a twinkling away and all he had to do was listen to God's still small voice and obey....

If angel's could sweat....I would have been and would been happy to wipe the sweat off my forehead when Kenny said "YES!!" to God when the idea came up and doing the Uplifter Newsletter on his computer and sending in out to friends and relatives on a weekly basis....

One of the most everlastingly long blessings that Kenny ever received in his life was when he took on the challenge to do this work for the Lord...

On March 29th, 1993 the first issue of the Uplifter Newsletter went to print and was mailed out to a small but important group of people who were known as the original Core Group of the Uplifter Family.

And for a good while...Kenny forgot about falling in love, romantically, because He had found a love that was better than anything he had ever before experienced...The Love and blessings of serving God and doing His will

Yep, I just sit there beside him each night he typed into his computer and whispered inspiration into his ear and massaged his shoulders where he wouldn't get weary with all the hours he put in there along with his daytime job at the drug store.

The drug store where Kenny worked donated the use of their Xerox machine and paper for Kenny to print out his letters each week and often even gave him much of the postage needed to mail the letters.

Issue after Issue went out and Kenny's mailing list grew and the newsletter got better and God blessed more and more people.....

I hope you are smiling right now ...because this is Virgil T. Angel reporting and this was indeed a wonderful time for me during my assignment with Kenny......

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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