{~•~}••••p a g e ~~ twenty-nine••••{~•~}

<%><%>IN TO DRUGS<%><%><%>

Hello Faithful readers and even those that were guided by this site by the Lord. (I especially enjoy seeing new folks fall into the charm of my writing about Guardianship Duties for Kenny Mitchell....My name's Virgil....)

In January 1987, as Kenny was really feeling low, being a new year had started and his unemployment was no longer effective.

He was now, for the first time in over 10 years, living totally off His Parents again, and the happy home just wasn't the same.

Due to Kenny's depression and the crowedness of privacy that both Kenny and His Mom and Dad felt...Things seemed pretty dim....

But, Alas, on the last week of January, Kenny recieved a phone call from Keith Mitchell (no relation at all) and ask him to come in and fill out an application and be interviewed for an opening at Mitchell Drug Store...

Keith has originally hired Kenny for his front end experience in stocking and order that he recieved while working at Safeway, but when he found out what a great typist he was and how many people He knew from the town....He decided Kenny would best be used working in the Pharmacy....

This delighted Kenny to the uttermost level.

At the beginning of this job, Kenny's main work involved doing deliveries and working on the Nursing Home Medicines which required what they called "BUBBLEPACK" which meant they were sealing in doseage cards for each customer and this had to be done by hand and a heat-sealing machine...

Little by Little, Kenny began to learn the names of the drugs and He was soaking up everything He could and it felt good for Him, finally learning a trade that could work Him into an even better job someday.

But the months Kenny had been off from work had softened him up, and He had also gained some weight, and his feet began to swell on Him.

Within two months of working steadily and standing on his feet eight hours a day, the swelling had continued to move upward and Kenny was miserable.

He was having trouble sleeping at night and very nervious and he had his mom and dad praying for Him, and I hovered over all of them and joined in, waiting for God to move.

Finally, Kenny went to the doctor and he was having blood pressure problems big time.

The first thing the doctor did was gave him a fluid shot which caused him to lose close to 30 pounds of fluid from his system in 3 days....

Between the prayers of Kenny's parents and the wisdom of the doctor Kenny had been saved from having congestive heart failure and the in all probabilities either a stroke or heart attack.

It had been indeed a tough and exciting year in 1987 and Kenny felt he had put his mom and dad through enough.

So He began looking for a place he could afford so he could move out for the very first time, on his own...and become a batchelor.

It just so happened that a lady named Sue that worked at the drug store with him had a house for rent that she was wanting 200 dollars a month for but told him that if he would keep the bushes and yard work taken care of she would rent it to him for half price.

I hate to admit it but I had been whispering in her ear for a while and she new that Kenny was a good guy and needed a break...and Sue was a good Christian Lady.

She even left the furniture in the house and so Kenny was finally fixed....and He would see how it felt to live by himself, with the exception when the kids would come over to spend the night.

At that time in Kenny's life he had become involved with stamp collecting, a safe hobby and one that would take up alot of his spare, lonely time.

He worked on his collection as hard as he would any of His other ventures which were coming up in his life in the future.

Kenny had still not gotten back into church, and his off work time was mostly spent renting movies, watching tv, taking care of his kids, and working on that stamp collection...Which would become a very valuable one in the next several years.

Kenny's stay at the cheap rent house didnt last long because Sue's "not so nice" brother was not pleased with the deal Sue had made with Him and also did not like the way Kenny did the yard work.

So---Kenny was on the move...Found a small humble little rent house on a very nice street and moved in there, it was peaceful and just the amount of space he needed and although it was not a beautiful place...I managed to become a more humble angel myself and hang in there with Kenny because I knew great things were coming his way...along with some very hard things that He would FOR SURE need my help with.....

Derek celebrated his 4th birthday with his dad in this little house and was spending alot of time with his dad because of a terrible accident that had happened to his mom and one of her "boyfriends" or at least, a guy who thought he was....and she ended up almost dead after being shot twice in the chest and arm.

I am not allowed to comment on why or how other angels protect their humans, but I will say this much.....God was really, really merciful with Derek's mom that day.....and the sad part is...that according to angelic records...She never offered God any praise whatsoever for saving her life.

But my human is Kenny and as far as I know...whether he was in church or not..He kept praying and always thanked God when something good happened to Him.

He will be the first to agree that He continues to have lots to be thankful for.....Sometimes....He is even thankful for Me!

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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