{~•~}••••p a g e ** Thirty••••{~•~}

†††~~The Calm Years~~†††

By the last two years in the decade of the Eighties, Kenny and I had become pretty close friends, things were pretty neat, except for the occasional uprising by His ex-wife over something that I always gave Kenny the Cushion and Patience to tolerate and get through.

After living in his little small one bedroom rent house for about a year, God sent me this shiney note (Shiney notes to angel's always mean good news).

A house had become available in a nice neighborhood at a price Kenny could afford and Kenny was overjoyed...

It was located on a quiet street and the neighbors all around were the nicest Kenny had ever had the pleasure of living among.

There were kids for his kids to play with, and things were just looking so great.

Kenny spent many of his days off just sitting on his front porch, reading the newspaper and watching the nice neighborhood all around Him.

If angels could bounce off the wall with happiness, I would have been doing so...Because as I looked at Kenny's Future updates---They seem to be in pretty good shape...Which would give me time to get some beauty rest--as if I needed it...but also I would know that my human was happy and headed on the right trail.

But God also noted to me that Kenny would have to go through quite alot before both feet would be on that right trail at the same time.....So...I stayed alert, but yet, enjoying the blue skies and calmness while they lasted...

Kenny's next door neighbors were a wonderful Christian Family, which would prove to be a very strong influence on him in the coming years.

Kevin and Cristie Fort had a little boy and a girl just about the age of Kenny's younger son, Derek.

Kevin loved garden work, so everytime Kenny saw Kevin out in the yard, he would find himself wandering over to talk to Kevin and the conversation would always turn to the Lord.

As Kevin talked, Kenny could feel the spirit of the Lord in his voice, and the rumblings in his heart were truly stirred and Kevin got excited sometimes when they would start sharing prayer stories and how great God is...

Kenny held all those wonderful times visiting with Kevin as one of the most spiritually rewarding times in his Pre-Uplifter Years...

In 1991, out of the blue, Kenny decided that He was going to start a diet....He set up a chart, and was going to count calories, walk, exercise, and even bike ride...

At the beginning of the diet, in which he started at the end of January 1991, Kenny weighed in at a whopping 325 pounds....and he knew that was way too much...

So Charts were kept.

Kenny stayed true to his program...adding more exercise and walking and bike riding and at the end of the first month He had lost 35 pounds....

He was really enjoying the walking and bike riding and was even able to cut his blood pressure medication in half as the weight began to come off.

Within six months Kenny had lost a total of 110 pounds.

Dropping 6 inches from his waist and feeling better than he had felt in years.

As an angel, I just floated along with him and He often prayed when he did his daily walks.

God was dealing with Kenny to get back in church, but He couldn't decide where to go, because it had been years since he had entered the doors of a church....

Other interests in his life that were coming back again were C.B. Radios....

And Kenny's Cousin, Tommy, helped him get a base station for his home and a mobile unit for his car....

This time Kenny Chose a new handle (nickname) He called himself •Doctor "D"• for (drugs).

As His Guardian Angel, I could see both Good and Bad in what the future would bring to Him through this renewed hobby.

When I thought Kenny was getting out of line in his conversations on the CB I would shimmy up the antenna and cause the reception to really get bad until he calmed himself down...

I knew eventually that a voice would come on that CB that would change Kenny's whole life again.

So....all you good buddies out there....this is KBHA 9034's Guardian Angel saying.....I'll be CLEAR and 10-10 on the side until later.....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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