{~•~}••••p a g e ~~ twenty-eight••••{~•~}

‡‡‡‡‡--CLOSING DOWN!!--‡‡‡‡‡

Hello faithful readers--Virgil here writing down some of my favorite times with my Earth Person, Kenny and his wild and wonderful life.

Kenny was now almost 30 years old and He was about to recieve another wonderful blessing from God...

His second son, Derek.

Kenny had missed alot of special times with His first son, Joey, due to the late night hours he had to work at the Grocery store and the sleep he required during the days...

When Derek was born on August 22, 1985, and Kenny first held Him in his hands, a special bond was made as I reached around both of them at the same time and placed some extra of God's love between the two of them.

With the arrival of his new son, being the highlight of 1985, also came the invention and price reduction of the Video Camcorder and Kenny was one of the first in the local area to own one of these thousand dollar plus items and had in time to tape Derek and the Family's first Christmas together...

A tradition that would go on until the kids totally refused to go along with the Christmas on tape idea.

In the early part of 1986 the rumors started flying thoughtout the grocery store--That SAFEWAY #216 would be closing soon...

Kenny got the bright idea to start taking his video camera to work with him, especially when he worked nights and recorded each employee and their comments about the store closing...

What started as just a pasttime for Him, turned out to be a way of helping him through the actual dark times when the day actually came that they gave the store only ONE MORE open week...

Kenny continued with the camera every chance He got until he had video taped everything in the store and every employee saying something or at least being in the eye of the camera.

On June 6, 1986, Safeway Store #216 in Kennett Missouri....closed.....

Kenny was there with his camera on that final day and it was indeed sad and alarming.....

A Job he had worked at ever since he was in high school has just shut their doors and He was without work and no experience to do anything else.

This was a rough time on Kenny and Trish's Marriage and Kenny went into depression.

I hovered all around his room trying to bring him back but then I got a note from God saying that it wasn't Kenny's victory time yet.

In October of 1986 Trish and Kenny split up and Kenny Moved back home with Joey to His Mom and Dad's and Trish found her an apartment and moved with Derek....

On the week of Christmas that year, Kenny final unemployment check came and he spent it on inexpensive Christmas gifts and had not had a job offer the entire 6 months of his being off from Safeway....Kenny was indeed low....

I, as a good, humble Guardian Angel, was feeling rather usless, until I recieved my special HMS Delivery...(HMS...Heavenly Mail Service) and I read what the coming month would hold for Kenny.

I smiled....and was reminded again why...God is God and why I am just a winged servant of Him.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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