••••page~*~twenty---s e v e n ••••

$$$$$~THEFT and HONESTY~†††††

Kenny was now working late nights all the time and Trish had worked right up until the day before she had their baby, an 8 pound and 2 ounces, healthy baby boy in which they named Joey Paul Mitchell...

Kenny had asked to work on days after the baby was born, but his boss called him aside and told him their were some thieves among the stockers and he needed a few honest stockers at the store at night to maybe sway them from ripping the place off.

As it turned there were three of the main fulltime crew that were literally packing stuff out the store through the back door every night by the loads, the final total was over 10,000 dollars short on the yearly inventory.

I kept Kenny out of harm's ways as best I could, and Kenny seemed to be always on the other side of the store when something crooked was going on.

This all came to an abrupt halt one night about 3am, when some of the guys had gotten brave enough to load down one of their truck in the front of the store will over 400 dollars worth of merchandise...

They were met by a fast black car, stopped brought back into the store and informed....They had been caught by SAFEWAY SECURITY SERVICES.....

Kenny had just came from the back room where he had been burning some of my stock boxes and was stunned...

I begin to flutter around Him and the men there, and also the guys guilty of the crime, could see that Kenny was totally innocent here...

Kenny never had to go to Court but the three guys lost a fine paying job and reputation here in Our area and both had to move away to start their lives over again...

Everyone of the guys invoved in the stealing were ask the same question about Kenny...

They all said that Kenny was totally innocent and had nothing to do with what they had been doing.

Kenny felt my presence as well as the presence of God that night.....and was full of joy that the guys had been stopped and maybe this would mean He would now get to work some daytime hours so He could be with His family.

The year is now 1980, and Kenny and Trish are both making decent money and their house has been redone and they have added a chain link fence around it, so that Joey could get out in the yard and play safely.

But the used cars that they had been driving to work were getting worse and worse, so they took their next big step.

They bought a brand new 1979 Chrysler Cordoba Deluxe Edition with Corinthian Leather seats and the whole works at a close out price on the year end models....

It was midnight blue and a beautiful car, and I, felt like someone, (even more so than the Angel that I am) when I rode around with Kenny in it.

With the exception, that I didn't care for Him cranking up his rock music with the total Premium Sound System that Chrysler put in those cars....

Kenny and Trish traded cars several more times before their second child arrived and their seperation became very evident...and the last trade they made was for a 1985 Cimmanon Red Ford Mustang...

At the time they bought that car, Trish was 6 months Pregnant with their second child and Kenny's job at Safeway was beginning to have bleak undertones.

The Union the employees had voted in several years before had gotten them high wages, but it has also just about priced them out of a job.....

Even though I tried every way to tell Kenny it was not a wise choice to buy a new car again, and His father just keep shaking His head "NO!" to Kenny.

They found the Mustang they were looking for about 16 miles from where they lived on a hot June afternoon....

As they were headed for home, with their new car, the look down the highway told them a grim story, there was a giant dark, funnel cloud hanging over the whole city of Kennett and they were headed in that direction.

Even though I was a bit irritated at Him for not listening to Me on this Car Purchase, I knew it was my job to protect Him......
As they came closer and closer to their hometown.....they were nearing the group of bridges that preceeding entering the city limits and thats when the clouds opened up on them...

They couldn't see anything and they were in traffic on the second of the bridges.....
I took over, slide into the driver's seat and slowed, them down, guided them through the heavy rain, and finally the cloud had moved passed Kennett and they had safely made it through the storm.

Kenny was shaking, and He figured his town would we torn apart, but only a few signs and trees were down.....

So..I quietly got in the back seat, which is sort of dinky for a big angel like me....and felt like I had done my job for the day....

But God reminded me.....This is but one of MANY DAYS to come.....

This is Virgil, Kenny's Guardian Angel...inviting to read the rest of my journal as it comes your way....Thanks..

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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