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>>>>>>>>>>The I DO's and DON'Ts!!!!!!

It's a good thing that angels can't be seen...at least, most of the time, because I feel pretty tangled up in dress clothes, when my wings get all bent and wadded up, the older I get...the harder it is to iron those thing out, sometimes I can actually feel the heat....

I think God put that in there on angels just to remind them how blessed they are to be working for Him, instead of Lucifer.


April 22nd, 1977, at 8 PM, the future Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Mitchell enter the home of the Preacher, AL SPELL, their witnesses were Kenny's Longtime Friend, Charles, and the Preacher's wife ALMA......

The groom was wearing a Navy Blue Sport Jacket on loan to him by his Father because, like me, Kenny didn't like dressing up....He also had a dark blue tie with stripes in which his dad had tied the beautiful knot for Him.

Kenny was pretty good with ties, but His dad just wanted to put the Father Mitchell touch to it...

The cermony was short, to the point, and after they repeated their vows to one another.....The standard quick kiss...Kenny paid the preacher....shook his friends hand and they stopped by Kenny's Parent's house to show them it was signed, sealed and legal.....

Then they headed off on their honeymoon which was close to a half a mile away in the little rent house that Kenny had gotten ready the month before....

Kenny could only get 3 days off and Trish was going to interview for a job the ELY-WALKER COMPANY, a factory that made shirts, the following day....

So, they had to put a hold on real honeymoon until Kenny's Vacation came up later that summer.

I guess the first major thing that happened with Kenny and Trish would be that they decided they wanted to buy the little house and get it completely redone on the inside an add a couple of rooms.

Kenny's dad worked at the bank as an officer, so that helped a little, and the man they rented from said He would rather sell them the house than to rent it to someone else.....So they ended up buying it...without a down payment and thanks to help from me, the bank was able to figure out a plan which would make their payments even cheaper than they were renting....

So within the next year two expansions were in progress...The rebuilding of their first home and Trish was going to have a baby.

Trish was now working full time at the Shirt Factory and Kenny was working late hours at the grocery store so they both got to spend more time away from each other than, maybe they needed...

Before cell phones and the internet and shortly after the song on the radio, "CONVOY" shot up the charts, The craze across the country was CB Radios......and Kenny Caught the fever.....

Usually Kenny would get off around 11 pm at night and Trish had to be at work at 8 am the next morning...

So she would go to bed and Kenny would get on the CB Radio and visit and talk until all hours of the night to as far as His Home base station would take Him...His handle was UNKNOWN COMIC....but he could change His voice so easily that he had many other characters that He could use and people laughed at his weird sense of Humor....

I even grinned at his imagination because I knew that God was exercising his mind for a much greater work and He just had no idea how many people He would make smile the right way....But, I, did, I would just sit by his chair each night as he carried on and when got too carried away I would sent a mosquito in the room and start biting him and he would have to stop and get up and kill it...

Many times after chasing a bug all over the house..Kenny was tired and ready to go to bed and that would put an end to his radio shows when I felt He had gone too far for His own good.....

Years later, He would thank me many times....but at that time, his wife, who was getting more puffy each day felt alone, and she wouldn't say anything, but down the road she would use it as a reason their marriage didn't work...even though, the final report revealed that the c.b. talking really didn't bother her, in fact when he wasn't around she would get on line and have a good time with it in her own way..

I wasn't allowed to hang around as see what Trish was up to when Kenny was at work....But I did keep in touch with her Guardian Angel, HILDA....

but she would always tell me that God had given her a rough assignment and that Trish almost never listened to anything she would try and tell her..

That's not a good sign, plus when people just keep going down the wrong road, and won't become Christians we Guardian Angels really get depressed, especially if we have their blueprints and there are alot of really dark spots close to the end of their pages.....

Whoops, I got off track again folks...We are suppose to be talking about my human being...
I remember one night in particular when Kenny was working in the backroom at the store and the guys were cleaning it up, because it was getting close to clockout time.....
One of the workers was running a floor jack and someone had yelled at Kenny......He looked the other way and the floor jack full of cases of soup were headed for his foot.

I threw myself to the floor, covered his boot, and just as the jack hit, the driver quickly pulled back and saved Kenny from getting his foot crushed.

It ended up only scuffing his boot on the end....

Did I get any thanks for that....NO.......and I had tire track marks on my back for almost a month....

But Kenny was usually pretty good about realizing when God had helped out in His life, even though at this point, Trish and He had slowly stopped going to church and were really walking on dangerous ground..

But across town I was always was ablet to hear the dear prayers of His mom and dad as they prayed all the time for Kenny and Trish...and their coming child.....

That gives Us Angels extra power when people are praying for other people.

In a matter of months their house was completed and it was really nice....the new living room was now 24 x 12, and they add new ceiling tile, a fake brick wall behind their heating stove in the living room, plus new carpeting down all through the house.....It was such an improvement.

The baby was due in only a few months and Kenny was still on the cb most every night, mainly because Trish required alot of sleep...and would Kenny be able to pull away from His toys in order to take on the responsibility of being a Father......I, myself knew Kenny would always have to have some kind of communication with the outside world, So, at this point I think...His training by His parents would pay off and He would be able to tend to his parental duties and still do his own things, too.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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