
>>>>>>>>>>LIFE IN OVERDRIVE!!!!!!

Hey Everyone, It's Virg here...and this time in Kenny's Life was indeed an exciting one.....He now was not dating anyone and just running around with His new friend, Rick and listening to Loud Music in His New Pontiac and Cruising...

trying to learn the meaning of "COOL!!"

They Pulled up to the 4 way stop at Walmart and as the car pulled up beside them...In it was a girl, long brown hair...beautiful complexion and Kenny looked over and smiles....AND SHE SMILED BACK!!!

Kenny was trying to act COOL, but his insides were being flung all around in his stomach....

(Little Angelic Secret--A few weeks earlier I had placed this vivid dream in Kenny's mind that he would meet a beautiful girl with long brown hair and she would take his out in the country and he would visit her Farm......)

They ended up pulling over and Rick tried his knack at getting her attention....but he pulled out a cigarette and started yacking silly stuff, while Kenny seem to know just the right things to say.....(especially since I was whisper all the nice things in his ear...lol.....virgil quick note)

Kenny found out that she was amost 17 years old, she wasn't currently dating anyone and that she would be glad to go riding around with him and show him where she lived.....which was about 4 miles outside of Kennett....Guess Where....In a Farm House....

(Virgil note: Don't mean to brag...but sometimes I am pretty creative when it comes to dreams!!!)

After visiting with this young lady and as normal..Kenny did most of the talking.....She went into her house and Kenny looked around in disbelief.....

As He drove back to town....He also turned around to go back and make sure the house was REALLY there...

The Girl's name was Patricia...but Kenny would always call her "TRISH" and her Parents were just plain country folk and they seem to think that Kenny was the Grandest thing.

The Delta Fair was coming up in just a week or so and the Kennett's Annual Fall Festival Parade....What a time to have a Girl Friend...Kenny was indeed on Cloud Nine...

Poor Rick was sort of left hanging...His GirlFriend had run him off months earlier...So He tried hanging around Kenny and Trish for a while.....but that didn't last long, and he knew they needed their privacy....

But...Kenny needed to remember that Virgil would always be around and He had better watch his words and deeds or they would surely bring him grief in the years to come....

Need I say much more.....Kenny didn't watch all of his words are deeds, even though Trish and Him did continue to go to His church.

They started talking about marriage, after there had been some heated discussions by Kenny's Mother and Dad over Kenny spending too much time with this girl...and doing too many things with her.....and Kenny's Dad finally said, "If you love her, and are going to be with her all the time and do things married people do.....Then I say You should go soon.....and don't keep your Mother Upset about whether or not you are going to get married and move out..."

Kenny knew His dad was a good and just Christian Man and He and Trish decided to start looking for a house they could afford.

Kenny's Mom was not at all ready for Kenny to get married....but it turns out she was the one who found their first house for them.....

It was a one bedroom house in pretty good condition and a nice yard...for only 85 dollars a month...

Trish and Kenny were with each other every day.....Kenny was in to photography and He had at least 5 or 6 albums of Her taken in every outfit she owned...which wasn't all that many....But Kenny would be creatitve with the poses and He loved taken closeups of her when she smiled..

The biggest argument that Kenny had with Trish is the fact she would never eat with them when they would go to the drive-in anywhere else......She was too shy.....

So...if my tabulations are right Kenny met Trish on Sept 2nd 1976 and they had a six month relationship before Kenny rented the little house in March of 1977....to get it ready to move into...

And their plans were for a April 22nd small wedding in the home of the preacher that had married Kenny's Mom and Dad....Brother Al Spell.....

But would Kenny actually go through with this.....Folks, as an angel, I did all I could do with this situation.

And Kenny was a human, and maybe Kenny's Mom had a right to cry and tell Him that this was not the right time to get married.....But I did my part, as best an angel can follow the blueprints..although they do get smudged sometimes and it ends up the human has to go it on their own for awhile....

Whatever decision Kenny would decide...His life would never be complete without keeping Jesus Christ in it.......thats one thing we angels know for sure.........See ya next time.....much more to come......Kenny's life is full of wild and wonderful things........

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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