{~•~}••••p a g e ~~ twenty-four ••••{~•~}

‡‡‡Ups and Downs‡‡‡

Hello Journal Friends, Virgil, here struggling with how to write down the following events in Kenny's Life without telling a lie, which I cannot do, and without invading his privacy acts. (Note I have had to sign one of those strange letters that almost everyone in this Country is having to sign about privacy.)

So....I guess what I will have to do....is tell it so you know what I mean but not just come right out on really personal areas of Kenny's life from here on out.

We will see how it goes...But I will continue to be truthful, to the very best of my Angelic Ability, which is rather notable even if I say so myself......


Kenny only had about 6 months until he will be 21 years of age.
This first, for real girl friend of His is only 15 years old, even though her life experiences have made her older in mind and other ways, than even Kenny, himself.

Kenny is quite innocent, with raging urges that any male his age should have, and it will take alot of persuasion for me to keep him from getting in very hot water....


So...to give you a Reader's Digest Condensed Version of this relationship...here is what I can tell you in all honesty.......Kenny was taught how to kiss by this young lady, even though he thought he was the teacher...

There was alot of sensual cuddling going on from time to time, but in the back of Kenny's mind was MAXIE telling Him if he tried to go too far with her daughters, she would blow Him away....

plus I was always in the back of his mind yelling to him....."Kenny...Remember...Keep Control Of Yourself.....Don't be Sorry!"

Kenny tried hard to make a real romance out of this new encounter in his life, but Tammy was still young and very changeable in moods, plus she was smoking and had even been drinking behind his back....those things made it very hard for him and by the middle of summer....He was no longer happy, and very confused...and they argued more than they hugged...

Kenny's 21st birthday was coming up in less than a month and even His Cousin had stepped in to tell Kenny, that Tammy was NOT the right girl from Him after all....

So after weeks of bad times, Kenny Finally called Tammy Up and ask her to go for a ride with Him and that hot August Night things went cold in the Kenny-Tammy Romance department.

Kenny dropped Tammy off at her house...said goodbye and they parted as Semi-Friends, but no longer IN LOVE...

I am thankful that Kenny did not take his urges too far with this young lady, and her Aunt knew that Kenny was honest and agreed that maybe Tammy was still a bit to young to be getting too serious with guys.....

Well, right about this time...Kenny's Childhood Friend, Charles had gotten Himself kicked out of the Navy on an Undesirable Discharge due to the fact, as He Put it...

It was just more than He could do, physically.

Charles had come back to Kennett and now faced the fact he had been kicked out of College and The Armed Forces....So, His focus went back to working with Race Cars and even though He and Kenny Remained Friends...They would never be as close as they were growing up..

Meanwhile.....Kenny's Job at Safeway was still going well, He had strange hours that often changed, but He was working 35 hours a week, doing stocking and working at the cash register and he loved meeting the people, and the boss noticed how well Kenny got along with the public.

Mr. Kelley, the Manager at the store at that time, decided to make Kenny #1 Checker, when the front end needed help and to give Him a smaller section to work down the aisles, because sometimes when you got in the checkstands it could but up to an hour before you could get loose again.

Kenny had met a new family in town that lived close to the Grocery store and they had a son, who also still lived at home, and he came by the store quite often, and they became friends. His name was Rick....He, too, had A Sister that was 18 years old and since they were new to the area, Rick started encouraging Kenny to take His sister Out on a date.

Her parents were strict and she didn't know anyone from the area, so Kenny told Rick He needed some time to think about it, since he was fresh hurt from his last relationship with Tammy.

At that time...God had sent me a †† SPECIAL DELIVERY ANGELA-GRAM....and told me Kenny's Life was about to change and I needed to be ready to Help him deal with the next major event of His life.....

It was the last week In August, the weather was hot, and now, as I recalled my Angelic Notes on Kenny's Life I knew that 1976 was one of the years Highlighted in "RED".

So I did my Extra Wing Exercises each evening as I re-read the Angelic Blueprint Highlights of Kenny's Life and knew that the coming weeks would change his life forever...

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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