///XX///Page Twenty///XX///

•••1974--Crazy Times--•••

There are times in a human's life when their Guardian Angel is there, but is mainly just an observer.
The watcher of their selected human, to let their freewill and the past guidance and direction take hold, almost as if, to let them, totally fly free on their own.

Now, I really wasn't very worried about Kenny at this time..
He had great parents, that were still strongly involved in church, and early in life Kenny had decided to avoid alcohol and cigarettes, one reason being, that Had already seen the effects of one of his aunts almost die of starvation from alcoholism, and one of His Uncles had feel alseep in his bed drinking and smoking and ended up with third degree burns over much of His body, but survived, only to continue his life with the bottle until the day He died.....

Kenny was by no means perfect, (Or I wouldn't have to be here at all) but about those two things I knew I would never have a problem out of Him....So...what was going on in Kenny's life in 1974, a year after graduation...

While his best friend, Charles had started College, Kenny had continued working at Safeway, and the bucks were coming in, raises had happened, and when he wasn't working he was hanging around mostly with his cousins, cruising the town, looking at girls, still wishing for that special one to jump in the car with Him, but I knew as long as He keeped His car full of Cousins and friends that probably wouldn't happen.

So, Kenny was doing some normal teenage stuff, nothing major, but at the same time, things were not going so well for His college friend, Charles who had partied more than studied and ended up out of college by the end of the first half of the year..

Charles came back home, and the relationship that they had had growing up, was slowly fading away, because now Charles had tried a little of everything, and although, it never was a major argument between the both of them.....They tended to just be casual friends and when the "PRIME TIME" came at night to cruise...They would go their separate ways.

Charles respected Kenny's Decision and Kenny just didn't have any interest in doing Charles' gigs.

The highlight of Kenny's Summer was he had bought a new Super8 mm movie camera and He gather all his cousins around....He had plenty to work with at all ages....and started to work on His own versions of Kenny's Little Rascals....Short, goofy silly movies, using props found at everyones home and even in the gorey scenes, purchases were made at the grocery store for several bottles of ketchup...

By the middle of 1975, Charles was forced to make a decision, to go back to school, to get a full time job, or to join the Armed Forces.....

After talking to a Recruit Officer with the NAVY...

He chose Navy, and suddenly, again, Charles was out of the picture....

Deep inside Kenny's mind, He could already see how by remaining faithful to God, had kept Him out of alot of trouble, had supplied Him with a good paying job, and His parents still could smile and sleep easy at night knowing that their son would be home at a reasonable time, and He would come home sober and smokeless...even though sometimes he did come in late, and for a while got hooked on eating tuna and ketchup as a late night snack, which when a can of tuna gets opened in the middle of the night, the smell floats all over the place and lingers...

As I said, Kenny was not perfect.....

Kenny's life was good though, He was pretty content, and always had that one eye out...looking and waiting for Miss Right to come along....

I, Virgil D. Angel, sit back, relaxed for a while because from what I had knowledge of for his near future would be a new experience and a sort of bumpy ride.....

I hope Kenny realized just how blessed He was that He had Me standing by Him, because, somehow, in a funny way, I felt blessed that I had been given the opportunity to be His Guardian Angel..

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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