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Hey Friends, Virgil here, and this particular journal entry serves several purposes, it shows how easy you can drift into sin, and what all can happen to you to try and help keep you straight if Others out there are praying for You!

Ever since Kenny had gone to that first "R" rated movie and was so dissapointed by it, He was at a point in His life that is hard to stop most teens.....when their bodies are maturing and puberty is in almost full control...

Kenny found out from some of the older guys at Safeway, that there was a Movie Theatre about 15 minutes from Our town that was showing late night X-RATED movies.

So, after a week or so of the guys all talking it up, They came up with the master plan.

Three of them decided to go with Kenny to the little town with the dirty theatre and take Him to see the Girlie Movie.

They told Kenny to bring his car and they would ride with Him....What Kenny didnt know is one of the guys had loaded up a cooler of beer for the other guys to drink (they knew Kenny didn't drink-that's why they wanted Him to drive!) and away they went...

I hung closely over Kenny's shoulder putting as much guilt on Him as I could and He knew this night was not at all in the will of the Lord, but He politely placed me in the trunk of the car.....Little did He know, that was a big mistake....

After about three beers the guys were getting goofy and loud and started throwing the bottles out of the windows and trying to hit traffic signs...

Kenny was scared to death that a cop was gonna show up.....and I smiled as I sit bound and gagged in the trunk, listening to what was going on up in the front of the car...

Finally, they quit throwing bottles, it got quiet and then all of a sudden a deafing ))))BOOM((((was heard in Kenny's left ear....

One of the big Jokers in the car, Dave was His name had pulled a little pistol of his out and shot it out Kenny's window right next to Kenny's ear.....

Kenny could not hear a thing.....
He was totally upset....suddenly I felt myself become free and I eased back up front.....

One of the guys yelled...."OH NO....Kenny....There is a State Trooper behind Us...They are going to stop us and put us in Jail...."

Kenny was a total wreck now, almost in tears, as he saw two bright lights come up behind him, but it turned out to be just an eighteen-wheeler truck going around them.

Finally they reached the Theatre and after making an embarassing comotion outside with the owner, went inside, and the 3 other guys with Kenny were in rare form, almost tipsy.

And Kenny still could not hear anything out of his left ear......

The movie they watched...Which I refused to go in and sit through....I sit out in the lobby and waited for Kenny to come out....and told God to keep the deafness in His ear as long as he was in there watching that filth....

Anyway, the movie's title was -- FRANKIE AND JOHNNY WERE LOVERS......and all I can say is Kenny got to see His adult movie......although he could hear out of one ear and the wits had been scared out of Him.....

The return trip home was calmer...The guys were tired and sleepy and I scooted up my Kenny and laid my hand on his ear and God began to restore the hearing from the Gunshot's almost deafening noise....

Kenny was happy to drop all the guys off...

That was their last trip together to the LATE SHOW....and Kenny was thankful when He walked into His home that night with his hearing back.....but, even I, Virgil, knew that He was not over his curiousity about women and sex and I knew that I was going to have my hands full, but hopefully He wouldn't put me in that trunk again.
At least, until He cleaned it out......As you know, sometimes I just cant wear white because it just shows everything and I had to do quite a bit of cleaning on myself after that midnight adventure.......

x {The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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