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The year was 1972, Kenny was beginning his Senior Year in high school....He was only having to go to school a half day...and he was getting to work at the local SUPERMARKET...SAFEWAY and get paid, plus get out of school, plus get high school credit for it.....Pretty Angelic huh!!!Thanks for those of you who realize how much pull I had in having this happen for Him....But, Kenny knew that, too, and many times since those early days, He has thanked God...for those wonderful blessings....

Even though I am Kenny's Guardian Angel, even if I were not..and I knew about Him, I would say He was still a pretty good, kid, caring to His Parents and since he was only working parttime --- 15 hours a week....His take home pay was around 40 dollars a week....He saved some, he gave some to his mom each week, for doing his laundry and just because He wanted to, and he always tithed on his paycheck.

God rewarded Him richly for that....

After working for a few months without his own car, Kenny had saved up about 300 dollars and that's how His Uncle Roy came into the picture.
Roy was in charge, at the time, of the used car division at TOM SMITH RAMBLER in St. Louis.

Here is a picture of Roy (on the right) and His friend, Tony at work during those days....

Kenny was on Cloud 9, dreaming of what kind of car His Uncle would find for Him...

Finally the call came.....that He was bringing the car to Kennett and we were to meet over my Grandma Emma's house....
He had found Kenny a jewel of a car. It was a sharp, six cylinder, push button automatic Plymouth Valiant and He had checked it completely over and fixed everything on it.....It was so cool....and Kenny was so happy....

After that, Kenny would always feel super close to His Uncle.
Roy was always easy going anyway, and His smile could always just melt your heart, and He had such a kind voice.....

Roy Retired from the Car Dealership in 1987 and shortly after the Uplifter Started its Paper Publication back in 1993, He passed away.....

Here is a special poem that Kenny wrote for His Uncle Roy back shortly after He made His final trip home....


God gives Us memories, feelings we will always hold dear...
Our special family members who we loved throughout the years...
Your sweet, gentle voice, with a smile that always glowed...
I'll miss you, Uncle Roy, and the kindness you always showed...

When we all met at Grandma's We had alot of fun.
I just loved to hear Him talk, Uncle Roy was number one...
Some people you love, DEEP DOWN...For how they act and do...
I'm looking Up to Heaven, and Yes, Roy, I am talking to You...

You were there for me in My Teen Years, You gave my request your all...
Even though my money was short--All I had to do was call..
When you handed me the keys to the first car to be my own.
You made a permanent connection that will never, never be gone.

Now I think of the day they Phoned me you had died.
I remember driving in my car, wiping tears, as I cried.
But the thoughts began to form, --Uncle Roy is finally there..
You have made it to the top--And that was always Your Prayer!

I could see you--Oh So Happy! Hugging You dear Dad and Mom...
And Other Friends and family, that before You, had gone on...
So, even though, I will miss your letters-I know it is best.
Put in a good word for me with Jesus--Is MY ONE FINAL REQUEST!


That Plymouth Valiant lasted Kenny 4 years, He put over 50,000 miles on it.....and the car had almost 100,000 miles on it when Kenny first got it...

The car was traded in the mid 70's when Kenny bought his first new car....and was sold several times and the last time Kenny saw his old car...It had racked up another 40,000 miles...

As an Angel looking up into Heaven...I give you a high 5, ROY, you indeed have a fine spot up there.

I am sure It won't be long until Kenny and all of Us rejoin you, So, Make room, but stay closeby....We are all ready for that Glad Reunion hug......Angel's love to hug.....This Is Virgil thanking you for sharing this special time with me in my Journal.....More coming soon......


{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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