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<*><*><*>HOLIDAYS 1972<*><*><*>

Hello Friends, Virgil, Here, again, sharing with you some more great moments In Kenny's Life....and indeed, the Christmas Holiday from that year was wonderful.

All Kenny's Life He had wanted brother and sisters, but, that's one that that I had no control over....
So, I did the next best thing....I placed in Kenny's heart, the ability to be a clown, so to speak, and all of His Cousins, and I tell you, He has a bunch, really enjoyed His company.
He had already taken in one of His younger cousins, just because he, too, was an only child, and even though, TOMMY was only 12 years old, Kenny let Him go riding around alot with Him, and He and Tommy grew to be close friends.

Kenny also had an Aunt and Uncle that lived close by that had 4 children, and they all loved Kenny, too.

This happened to be a very rough Christmas for his Aunt and Uncle Austin, So, I laid it on Kenny's heart to go out and buy each of the kids Christmas gifts.
I mean, after all God had blessed Kenny with a good paying job, and He had a nice car, and plenty of money, and at this time, Kenny didn't have a girlfriend to spend it on, so ....

He went out and bought nice gifts for each of the kids, and even bought something special for his Aunt and Uncle, too.

His Aunt had been very sad, because Her kids basically had nothing for the holidays, due to an injury that had caused his Uncle to not be able to work and their bills had really piled up..

But to the surprise to all of them on Christmas Eve night....


It was Santa Kenny to the rescue...

Kenny had his Super Eight Movie Camera and He filmed the whole thing as their little eyes all lit up and they each opened their presents....and Kenny even caught some shots of his Aunt as tears streamed down her face in joy.

The true meaning of Christmas, Kenny had felt it, and that feeling has never left Him, to this day....

He always tries to do something special for someone that doesn't expect it.....

After the Christmas Holidays were over, Kenny was indeed, quite the hero at the Austin Household.....and Kenny spent many night visiting with them, watching tv, playing with the kids, and staying out of trouble.

Choosing to do these things, when he was not working rather than run the streets at night so much and get into anything that I as an Angel would say would make God frown.

All in All, Kenny's parents had did a good job raising Him, and I have to admit, that even though most of Kenny's early life was a breeze for this Guardian Angel, God was just letting me rest because He knew how much good He had planned for Kenny to do and how much the devil was going to try to interfere.

But you know, Kenny was ready for the devil, and So was I.....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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