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::::::::THE JUNIOR YEAR::::::::

Guardian Angels are trained ahead of time for each individual that they are going to be protecting.
Sometimes we are told to stand back and just observe, sometimes we are told to jump in and help, and sometimes the person to whom we are protecting ignores our pleas and help so much that we are forced by them to be in sort of Angelic Limbo.
Those are the scarey times and they often begin happening in the teen years.

At first 1971 didn't seem too unusual for Kenny, His friend, Charles and him were still pretty good kids and staying out of most troubles teens seem to get themselves into during that time frame.

Kenny had turned 16 right after school started and he had dreaded going to take his driver's test so much he kept putting it off.
He would find this would be part of his first heartbreak in a long time.

Kenny had scoped out the new Freshmen Girls and He had spotted one that He just went googles for.

Her name was Karen Sutherland and she had brown hair and as sweet smile and He just knew that this was the ONE!

After dreaming about her, talking endlessly to Charles about her, and even got His cousin who knew her to get a photo of her and give to Him, he finally sit down and wrote her a letter.

He knew she was in Spanish Class, so He thought he would impress her by signing in broken Spanish the classic clincher.....Yo Amor Tu!
Which He thought was correctly written....for "I LOVE YOU!"

Kenny had a class with one of Karen's Friends and He gave her the note to give to Karen.

He only had to wait a day for a reply from His dream love....Her friend delivered her note to Kenny and He opened and read it.....

She informed Him that his Spanish was way off track and wanted to know if he had a car or not yet?
If he didn't have a car...She wasn't interested...

So that was that....Kenny's heart sank like the Titanic on Fast Forward in your VCR.

So, I, the Loyal Guardian Angel that I am, tried to comfort Kenny, and tried to instill into Him the feeling that someone out there did love Him, and He would find them...

He pushed me away and for the first time, had a smidge of rebellion inside his heart.
I felt really bad now.
Where would Kenny go with this new negative feeling.

It wasn't long before I saw what was happening.
Now that both Charles and He were 16, they could go to the R-Rated Movies.
Kenny had never gone to the movies much, but the guys decided it was time for them to go see what this semi-adult stuff was all about.

The movie playing at the particular time in the local theatre was SHAFT...with Richard Roundtree as a Black Super Detective.

Kenny had totally brushed me aside and I sit patiently outside the theatre and waited for him, feeling very alone....

As the boys came out they were talking stating how the movie was such a rip off.
Just a bunch of cussing and no sexy women.

But I knew Kenny was trying so hard to grow up and like any teenager was very curious about the opposite sex.

After Kenny thought about his first date turn down, He decided to concentrate of his driving and try to go and take the test.

Coming next time we will see just what happens.
I have a feeling it won't be long until Kenny is going to be looking around for me again and remembering how good I have been to Him in the past.
Well, I am a patient angel....I will be here waiting.

I hope you all will join us.

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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