{~•~}••••p a g e ~~ f i f t e e n ••••{~•~}

‡‡‡Conviction and Restriction‡‡‡

Back when I was in Heaven before I became Kenny's Guardian Angel, I watched God and His Host of Angelic Workers as they prepared Life Schedules according to His Will, for each person--before they were born. These were often made for the Guardian Angels to refer to when their memories needed a refresh. and You know, these Life Schedules That our Creator made always fit so perfectly, everytime, but, God, knowing all He knows, left spaces in each person's life, where if they did slip up, He could help them back to the proper position and continue on......And, So it was with Kenny...

A Revival came to His Church.

A powerful evangelist by the name of JERRY B. WALKER.

The first night he walked into their Pentecostal Church He was dressed as flashy as Elvis ever thought about being dressed, but you know...He got everyone's attention, including all of the Teenagers.

Kenny already knew about the power of God, and conviction was on him so strong, he wanted to run from the building and get away.

The devil was making Him feel afraid of what He needed.....

But everytime he would raise up to try and sneak out of the church, I would calm Him down, push Him slowly back in the seat and let him hear what He needed to hear..

The week of that revivial Kenny Got many blessings, tears down his face, hands raised to God and He was a truely rededicated young man to the Lord....

Yes...folks, Angels do cry....We love to cry for joy, especially when it is our human that has made a closer step toward the kingdom of God...

At this point, Kenny decided it was time He grew up and got his Driver's License.

He practiced in his dads car, the easy to drive, 1968 Plymouth Valiant.

The day of the test, even I paced the floor a bit...Kenny was so nervious.
I knew it was my job to calm him down, so I went over and hovered over him, enveloping him they way we angels do best and he headed out, with His mom, on the way to take both his written exam and the driver's test.

He passed the written test making a low, but passing 75 percent on it, and now came the REAL TEST...Could Kenny Drive???

I slid quietly into the backseat and put my arms around Kenny to try and ease his thumping heartbeat down to a minimum of at least a 100 bpms....

The instructor was a tall man, spoke like a robot, and told Kenny to buckle up and start down the road.

Kenny came to His first stop sign, all seem to be going well....The instructor was quiet but gave directions on which way to turn.

After one more stop sign, the instructor put down his book and looked at Kenny and spoke again, "Please return your car to the parking lot.

You have failed your test!"

If you have not ever seen an angel melt, you should have been there.....I almost just sank underneath the car.

It seems that Kenny had failed to STOP completely at both signs before continuing the drive.

The instructor informed Him he could come back again next week and try, but reminded him that Stop signs mean STOP and not slow down....

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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