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†††~~Charles, Archie Bunker and Me~~†††

The Summer of 1970 was nearing and end, but right around the corner was Kenny's friend, Charles' 15th birthday.

Charles had this tradition that he had followed as long as they had been friends, He would give gifts on His birthday instead of receiving them.

As an angel, I thought that was pretty nice of Charles, considering he was sort of 'OFF THE WALL' in most other ways.

[Note: That was not an insult on Charles I was just speaking from watching Him and it was an opinion, as an Angel, I probably should have kept to myself...]

This year Charles really surprised Kenny by iniviting Him to go with Him to A St. Louis Cardinal's Baseball Game.

Charles' Dad, a dependable, but grumpy man, who always smoked stinking cigars, had agreed to take both boys to see a game in St. Louis.

The tickets were paid for and all Kenny had to do was to take money along to eat on.

Kenny's Mother gave him 20 dollars, which back then went a pretty good ways at a ball game, but Kenny and Charles had already devised other plans with some of this cash..

Before the Video Games and fancy computers, kids played wonderful, education Board games, like LIFE, CHECKERS, CHESS, and one of Kenny and Charles' favorites was CONCENTRATION, like on the televison show...where you had to match two numbers on a board and when you did you revealed a part of a puzzle underneath...

Anyway....Archie Bunker (The name Charles' dad loved to be compared with...He thought he was identical to the Character on the ALL IN THE FAMILY sitcom.) loaded up the boys and by the time they got to St. Louis, and found a parking space, and moved into the stadium.....

It started raining......

But...folks remember, I was there, Virgil to the rescue, plus a few other hundred thousand Christian Ball Fan's Guardian Angels...and God was nice enough that evening to let the rains stop and the boys were able to see this baseball game and enjoy all the excitement of live action in the Busch Stadium (Angelic Note: I do not endorse Busch products in anyway!)

Charles and Kenny were watching their money very closely to make sure that Kenny had at least five dollars left so when they went back home they could go to the local dime store and buy the CONCENTRATION board game which was on sale that week for five dollars.

The biggest drawback of the whole trip came as they left the stadium after the game and went looking for where the car was parked.

After that wandered around for what seemed liked an hour, I gently veered Kenny's eyes to the left a bit and lit up a street light that had not been working and -- ta dah!--
Kenny pointed and yelled out to Charles and His dad..."HEY THERE IS THE STATION WAGON!"

I felt I had to step in because "ARCHIE BUNKER the second was really tired and grumpy now, and I did want them to get back home safe and sound.

Between Charles and Kenny's Financial manuevering, Kenny had enough money to buy the BOARD game and the next day He was over at Charles' house and they were having a great time, discussing the ballgame and solving the puzzles on the gameboard...


{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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