{~•~}••••p a g e ~ thirty-five••••{~•~}

†††~~The Internet Highway~~†††

As the new year, 1998 rolled around Kenny and I knew that this would be all together different from any other year that He or His Mom had ever faced.

Kenny was still attending the Ely Baptist Church and even His mom had started going with Him...

A new preacher had come to the church by the name Of Brother Howard and Kenny and He hit if off.

When He was in the pulpit preaching, it was pure truth from the Bible and was much needed by all who were within the reach of the Pastor's voice...

But some of the older people who had been at the church for years, did not like this new Preacher's method of preaching the TRUTH...Because it made several of them squirm in their seats...

It wasn't long before the spirit was hindered by these ill feelings from the dissatisfied group and Brother Howard decided God wanted to place Him somewhere else...

This broke Kenny's heart and even his spirit, and even though Brother Howard kept in touch with Kenny, it wasn't long until Kenny drifted away from the church and was no longer going anywhere...

At this time Kenny had also noticed that has mom's health was beginning to fail and she was having so much trouble with her back and the ability to get up and down and move her feet steadily...

Kenny was still doing the Web Uplifter by mail and still had quite a nice group of people that were recieving his letters each week and also keeping in touch with Him...

Then the word about WEB-TV started floating around.

Kenny had always been standbackish about getting involved with the internet but he talked his co-worker and friend, Mike into buying a system first just to see how easy and good it was.

In November of 1998, Kenny clicked online for the very first time with the name KJMGETUP....

It was a whole new world for Him and spent many, many hours learning as much as he can.

There were friends Kenny met, right away, that were eager to help him learn even the most simple things like using HTML and putting images on his emails....

Within a few months, Kenny had a decision to make and finally he decided to shut down his Uplifter Newletter through regular mail and start it online.

Those early days on the net were exciting for both Me and Kenny.

I would hold his eyes open at night, when the Lord was inspiring him to write poetry and making new sites and He literally spend thousands of hours putting the Web Uplifter together piece by piece.

Kenny also found himself working with the Teen Christians in the Talk City Teen Christian's Chat Room.

He also was a regular in several other Christian Rooms...and got known early in his web career as POPPS.....

Due to the fact that Kenny was learning every move on the net for the very first time, and He had not been taught any of the shortcuts so everything was pretty slow-going and hard on the patience and eyes.

Kenny's First Website was at a domain called hotyellow98.com..Then after talking to a new friend in the Christian Fun Chat Room, Goldie, She told Him about Angelfire.com and that is where he settled for several years.

At the time he joined, it was free and they had no advertising on the pages.....

But as time went on, the ads started popping up...and it was so bad, at one time when Angelfire updated their format, they did not include any of the webbies in their update and so Anyone from Webtv could not get in to their own webpages.....

Eventually Angelfire got things straight for a while and Kenny's website blossomed, with the help of almost all of the members from one time to another.

It was what Kenny had dreamed of and He was thankful to the Lord for how He had been blessed with such willing net friends and Christians who not only did projects, wrote poetry, sent sweet emails of encouragement, but share the Uplifter with all their friends and keep prayers going to see the the will of God be done in this Ministry, and I promise, as Kenny's Guardian Angel, that I will do my part to keep his mind open to new things and to help him when he is down, especially when I get notice from Heaven that prayers have been going up for Kenny and the Uplifter...

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

This Webpage ® 2004 WebUplifterMinistries

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