{~•~}••••p a g e ** Thirty-six••••{~•~}

†††~~Homeschooling Enters Picture~~†††

Hello Dear Readers, Once again I sit down and recall the great events in the life of Kenny Mitchell that I, Virgil T. Angel, had the honor of sharing with Him.

By the turn of the new century, and the passing of all the Y2K scares, Kenny happily continued updating, building, and working harder on the internet and also meeting lots of Christian and non-Christian friends....

Also during this time, Kenny's son Derek was enrolled in a local private Christian Academy School but it seemed as though the school was not living up to it's name in many ways...

Kenny had seen many malfunctions in the schools system and it's Supervisor, named Eric Mack that finally came to a point of a meeting between Derek, Kenny and Eric.

I was very upset too, because I could see that this Christian School, had some serious problems and it was not at all what Kenny had been led to believe.

So...the morning of the meeting, Kenny had prayed and I was right beside him, whispering words of encouragement and strength into his being as He walked into the office of Mr. Mack...

Eric's first words were...."I can see Mr. Mitchell, by the look on your face that you have somethings you would like to say to me...."

Kenny and I had been smart enough the night before to write down a list of things that were happening at that school which were totally contrary to what the RULES OF CONDUCT stated and after Kenny finished his reading of the list, gave some personal comments......Mr Mack spoke again, "Well, I know you have your feelings made up about this and I can only tell you that things are not as you think you see them..."

It was then that I went into the very heart of Kenny and let my voice speak through Him, with the leadership of the Lord in control.....

We spoke, looking Mr. Mack directly into the eye, not in anger, or not in hatred, but in simple fact and truth from the Lord.....

We stated, "Mr. Mack, I came here today to find the truth, as in a Christian School, I expect not to be decieved. But one thing I know, that if you are doing wrong, under GOD's NAME, regardless of what you say to me today or any other parent, this school and those involved wrongly in it, will not stand, but they will go down, because God is not mocked or used in dishonorable situations."

You could see the blood leave His face, and the tremble in his voice, He knew that Kenny had spoken the truth as He said, "Yes, Kenny, you are right, If there is wrong or sin in the school or those working here, We must repent or it will not prosper, grow or even continue..."

Mr. Mack discussed how he thought things could be better there for Derek and a few more options he had......

Within a month, Kenny and Derek, found themselves in the middle of homeschooling, through the help of that school, which provided the materials for us and sent the records to the proper places.

Now between the fact that Kenny's tutoral patience and Derek's ability to do literally nothing at times.....

I had to do quite a bit of swishing around the room to keep it cool in there and make sure neither one of them got steamed up.

Now, Kenny days would consist of working 8:30 to 5:30 --five days a week.....and Derek would come over each evening from 6 until 10 to do book work and take tests...

After Derek went home each night, Kenny would jump onto the internet to work on email and webpages and work with the Christian Chat rooms....

The internet kept Kenny going....from meeting friends, to short-lived romantic relationships, to continue to soak up as much knowledge about the workings of HTML and using His God-Given talents for the Glory of the Lord.

Even though Kenny's heart wouldn't admit it, He was searching and taking notes on every female that came His way looking for that ONE SPECIAL LADY that met all of his standards and that turned out to be what Kenny considered---an impossible happening, unless the Lord Gave Him A Miracle....

So, He waited, and I was proud to be Kenny's Guardian Angel, because I knew how much God loved those who wait on Him...

{The following stories from Virgil's Journal are true, for the most part,some of the photos are not actual photographs of the events they depict}

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