One nation, under God.....

Beach on Lake Huron near Port Sanilac


What do Truth, Justice and Integrity have to do with Politics and Diplomacy?

Intro - 5/12/2001

I grew up in the Pontiac, Michigan area. General Motors was the local economy. Both sides of my family worked in the auto industry. Family members on my father's side worked in the copper mines of Michigan's upper peninsula and the coal mines of Pennsylvania. My mother was a school teacher belonging to the Michigan Education Association. Needless to say, I come from a union family. The Republican Party was the party of "big business". We, of course, were Democrats.

Many of us are still Democrats. I still consider myself one although I don't vote straight party tickets as I once did. I voted for Governor John Engler twice(in different elections!). I am also truly sorry to say I voted for George W. Bush in November of 2000. Bush is certainly not the centrist he portrayed himself to be after he won the Republican primary. Unfortunately, most politicians will say anything to get elected. Dubya had me fooled. I won't say he lied to us. I don't think he has the mental capacity to form the intent to lie!

Editors note 4/30/2003 - The New York Times now archives articles within days of their publication on the internet. For a nominal charge of $2.95 per article you can read their stuff. That should keep the riff-raff out. Check out the prices on their stuff in their online "store". The Times is priceless in more ways than one. I won't be linking to any more Times articles.


Anglophile, white, Christian, protestant, high school graduate with honors. I must be a member of the privileged, dominate culture that has been oppressing members of darker skinned races since the inception of the United States of America. In my world of white privilege I have most certainly not had everything handed to me on a silver platter. I work for a living taking care of elderly men and women of all races and faiths. I have lived in tenements with cockroaches and had whores, pimps, drug addicts, thieves and even murderers for neighbors. Some of my neighbors were just plain honest poor folks and many were welfare queens and welfare cheats. It's a dangerous world out there folks! Guess most folks try to survive the best they can. I don't romanticize the life I and those around me lead nor do I envy or depise the rich. I'd have much rather eaten from that silver spoon to which I was supposed to have had access.

I have never been an ivory tower liberal. As a young man I was idealistic to a fault and easily led. As I've grown older I have become more pragmatic and cynical. If I must believe in something I choose to believe in God. I do not believe in the innate goodness of mankind and do not blame God,"crony capitalism", and the United States for all the evil manifest in this world. I think believing in the ideology and "moral" tenets of the left is much more of a leap of faith than believing in Jesus Christ and the Bible. Yet I am not willing to consign the left and the adherents to faiths other than Christianity to the flames of hell. I think I'll leave those judgements to the Lord. What I believe, what I do, and who I am is between me and Him. I trust in Him. There is no man or woman in whom I would place that trust. I most assuredly don't believe the parasitic intelligentia who inhabit the college towns and universities of the world will "save the world" any more than the United Nations, Amnesty International, greenpeace, or Washington DC. If you're looking for answers, is the last place you might look to find one. If, however you're hell bent take a look there. Then run like the devil was after you!


This is so sinister! Mortgages are killing British youth according to the London Times. Maybe they'd be better off sticking with traditional behaviors like drug use and unprotected sex. Even more insidious - mortgages may be causing drug addiction and unprotected sex, along with chain-smoking and destroyed relationships.


I ran across a web page today which gives a history through maps and historical narrative of the creation of Israel by the division of British designated Palestine into east and west sectors with all land west of the Jordan river designated "Israel" and all land east of the Jordan river designated "Trans Jordan". Arab "Palestinians" were given 3/4 of the land of Palestine and Jews were given the western 1/4. No doubt a unilateral and illegimate action on the part of the British. However, by my calculation that means that the present Hasshamite kingdom of Jordan should be the Palestinian homeland.

Shazzam, the United Nations got involved as a result of British bungling and Arab wars of aggression against Israel and decided to redraw maps again, reducing Israel to the desert and coastal areas and giving the "Palestinians" the west bank, which was the heart and epicenter of ancient Israel, and the "Gaza strip". The wisdom of the United Nations is mind-boggling. The modern day nation of Israel now officially exists. Whose fault is the present day mess in the middle east? There's plenty of blame to go around but the United Nations is, in my view, right at the epicenter. Whose aggression in the middle east has historically been rewarded?

Go here to get a Palestinian/Israeli history lesson. No doubt it's all just Jewish propaganda.


I like what Joe Scarborough, the host of MSNBC's "Scarborough Country" had to say on the subject of free speech rights several nights ago. "In America everyone has the constitutionally protected right to be wrong." AMEN, no matter what your point of view.


New York Times editorial berates Bush Administration for it's "doctrine of preemption".

According to this thoughtful editorial the Bush Adminstration had no right to act unilaterally against Iraq, but should have taken a multilateral approach. Apparently the forty plus countries that agreed with the Bush administration don't count. Perhaps the approval of France and the United Nations is required for any action the US might take in the world to be "legitimate". It's a simple equation. French approval + UN sanction = legitimacy. The article goes on to assure the president that military success in Iraq does not give him carte blanche to run around the world trying to take out any other evil [how they hate that word, it's so judgmental] regimes. Perhaps the real hallmark of legitimacy in foreign affairs is New York Times editorial board approval. Take heed Mr. Bush, as I'm sure you're aware, you're no Kofi Annan. Maybe you can aspire to higher office when your term expires in 2009.


I'm so tired of the 24 hour a day war coverage but I'm drawn to it constantly. I am sure Bush is doing the right thing in overthrowing Saddam Hussein's regime and liberating the Iraqi people. Time will tell how they really feel about it but the initial jubilation has been evident all day. Time will also tell what the administration's real motives are but I don't think long term occupation or "annexation" are part of the plan. Bush is pretty transparent; his advisers less so. However, I see no evidence of any Machiavelian right wing plots to take over the middle east oil fields, the world and "impose" capitalism on all third world countries with all gold, money and oil flowing to big US corporations and Bush's "fat cat" buddies. Mon Dieu, I must just be naive.

Bush has probably done more for peace for the Iraqi people than all the antiwar peaceniks could ever do. The Iraqi people have not known peace for some thirty years or more. People who define peace as absence of military conflict are fools. Anti-war people do not promote peace. They tacitly condone strife, terror and torture, economic deprivation, and the political disenfrancisement of an entire nation. That is the "peace" they would impose on Iraq. How many more years did Saddam deserve? Where was the outcry of the UN against the atrocities perpetrated by Saddam Hussein or any other malevolent maniac the world has known since WWII? What are they willing to do to stop such atrocities? Realistically, what can they do? Nada, and that sadly is also all they are willing to do.

May the Lord of true peace smile on the Iraqi people now and in the years to come.


I have to agree with George Will that the United Nations is not just a good idea gone bad - it's a bad idea. Go here to read Mr. Will's thought provoking op-ed. French attempts to use the UN to inflate their power and influence in the world are appalling. France is a marginal power. French economic interests and fear of terrorism drove French opposition to war with Iraq. France is certainly not motivated by any deeply held belief that war is evil. They were second only to the Russians in supplying Hussein with military weapons. It is a weak power incapable of defending itself and it's "glorious" imperialist past is over. It will use the UN to try to recapture some measure of importance on the world stage but I believe it will and should fail. France needs to "get over itself". If a nation wants to take a stand on moral principle said nation should have a moral principle on which to stand. Arms sales and big oil contracts do not qualify as moral principles. Je me demand, les français, sont-ils les hypocrites?


Today I do declare that I can no longer stomach Democratic party bullshit and the party's tactical turn to the left. I have become a Republican. God have mercy.

I just stepped outside for a cigarette and saw the most brilliant shooting star plunging from north to south across my field of vision. Thank God it didn't land on my head. No doubt a sign from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.



Far be it from me to attack the intelligence of the "peace activists", however I can't help but remember one peace guy who was being interviewed by a television reporter was asked what he thought of Saddam Hussein. With a blank look on his face he said he didn't know anything about Hussein but "he couldn't be as bad as Bush said he was". And they think Bush is stupid! Go to to read Of Might and 'Smart Men'


New York Times op-ed analysis of the problems at the [un]United Nations. What kind of future does this anti-Israeli, anti-American organization have anyway? I have more sympathy for the Lapeer County sign I have seen for years while traveling that county. It says simply--Get Us Out Of The United Nations. Go here to read the editorial.


Anti-war fascists in Whittier, California desecrate a 9/11 memorial maintained by local residents. Apparently these gentle protesters are also anti-American since they desecrated over a dozen American flags. Perhaps these "citizen's of the world" would be more comfortable pledging allegiance to the United Nations. Go to The Whittier Daily News website:

Antiwar protesters trash 9/11 memorial


Anti-Americanism is rampant in continental Europe and to a lesser extent the UK. Most of that is "power" envy. The US is politically, militarily, economically, and dare I say morally more powerful than Europe. Very undiplomatic of me to say I'm sure. I have no quarrel with the Europeans except the French. Their air of superior arrogance towards America and Americans masks a deep-rooted and well-deserved inferiority complex I'm sure. Should the national motto of France not be "I surrender"? Should the French flag not be a white flag of truce? Should cowards be allowed to call themselves peace-loving pacifists? But I digress. Et bien sur, je ne parle pas francais!

I found an article in the London Daily Mirror which was a refreshing change from the usual hysterical left wing vitriol in much of the European press. Please read:

Shame On You American-hating Liberals


For a jaundiced view on God and fate by an incredibly brilliant existentialist philosopher, go here to read William Saletan's latest ruminations on Bush & God.


"Here's another sign that the world is coming to an end: conservative Republicans are now fighting off liberal Democratic efforts to bring back the draft."

Check out the rest of Ted Rall's op-ed here.


European politics and pacifism nauseate me! An "axis of evil" from their perspective might include the US, Great Britain and Israel. All three have strong militaries and are willing to use them and, of course, military power and war are evil and to be avoided at all costs. Better to barter with and capitulate to petty tyrants. One might assume that in some minds one needs to become a tyrant to defeat a tyrant. One might also posit that God is a tyrant, parents are tyrants and governments that tax their citizens are tyrannical. It's an absurd world when you call evil good and good evil. Apparently we live in absurd times. I wonder what the world would be like if we had pulled our military out of Europe in the 50's.

I wrote the following several days before Christmas. It was written after an evening of perusing the European press.

Are there intellectuals in America and the world who would like to deconstruct this country? Look at Europe. They seem to be assiduously attempting to deconstruct their countries, sacrificing their identities and currency to build a new "superpower"--the incredibly impressive European Union or the "Union of European Socialist Republics". How pathetic. They've lived under the shadow and protection of the United States so long they've become green with envy. They would, however, like to become an economic superpower; not a military one. Great Britain aside, they've never been willing and able to defend themselves. Why should they start now? Why should they pay for it? They never have. American taxpayers and soldiers have defended Europe for years. Europeans have become soft. A continent of "sheep" without moral fibre or courage. Seems they're even willing to lay down their sovereignty and submit to the United Nations and the International Criminal Court and are aghast at the United States' refusal to do so. It's been their fervent desire for years to check our economic power and reign in our military power. One world government anyone--capitol Brussels? Sadly there are those who would pray for that [if they believed in God].


The 9th circuit court has done it again! Is English these judges' first language? Go here to read about this constitutional rewrite - "Federal Court Rules Citizens Do Not Have Individual Right to Bear Arms"


Peggy Noonan is smokin' ! I love it! Amen!


I caught Tony Blair's speech at the Lord Mayor's banquet in London last night on C-SPAN. If only George W. Bush were as intelligent and eloquent as Tony Blair. I wish he had enough respect for the American people to try to engage our minds and not simply our emotions and patriotism in trying to rally rational support for a seemingly irrational incursion into Iraq. Our President's Jethro Bodine-like vacuity scares the hell out of me. One might wonder at times if he actually "gradiated" the sixth grade. However, I support our president in spite of his shortcomings. I'm actually glad I voted for him.

Amnesty International warns United States to abide by international law or face the consequences!

There is sentiment in Europe to bring charges against the US in the new so-called International Criminal Court. READ MORE.


Hoping the Democrats will reinvent themselves may be like wishing a jack-ass could become a thorough-bred race horse. Just repackage the same tired horse shit and for God's sake get the message out. There may be an all-time record low turnout at the next election. For the party's sake get out of your ruts and actually meet and talk to somebody who disagrees with you. You might try listening too. The incestuous party love fests are extremely unappealing.


Jonathon Tobin has some interesting commentary in JWR about campus opposition to the proposed war in Iraq. Go here to read Too Late for the 60s - Campus Opposition to Iraq war is driven by nostalgia and animus for America

Oh America! Thy perfidies are legion!


It's been a long night. The election is over. I helped get Granholm elected and Levin re-elected and helped defeat some bad proposals and approve one or two good ones[I voted]. How about that proposal not to allow a straight party ticket option on the ballot forms in Michigan? Some Republican was probably real concerned that there are too many union members who don't split their tickets. Well, that one crashed and burned.

On the national level I was a little stunned by the repudiation of the Democratic party, but not really surprised. Certain elements in the party were more interested in wreaking revenge on Bush and the Republicans for Florida 2000 and it blew up in their faces. The party also needs to stand for something and there is a dearth of leadership and courage in Washington DC. Get a grip Democractic "progressives". Hating and villifying George W. Bush won't win any elections. The Republicans are gonna defeat y'all for a long time. You have to change. Learn to think outside the box. Maybe some of your core values are rotten. Re-examine your attitudes and your beliefs. In many respects the party has become the anti-America party--more concerned about the United Nations, the World Court and what the intellectuals at Berkley and the Sorbonne in Paris think.


Republican whining about the unfairness and "unseemlyness" of the Wellstone memorial gathering in Minnesota had me turned off. I was all ready to get fired up for the Democrats. I was hooked by the first seven paragraphs. Then the rant began about white males. Weep for the poor oppressed peoples of the world, the people of the Rainbow, the Society of Victims-all the poor souls victimized by white Christian males who are all gun-toting members of the KKK except those "enlightened ones" on the left coast and other major urban centers. Phew, hand me a barf bag. Go here to read it and weep.

On what unhappy planet do the folks at the Washington Times reside?
Bush's popular presidency seen likely to sweep in GOP

Post election comment--Planet earth apparently. They're obviously more in tune with the country than the rest of the media.

I sure hope Al Gore doesn't run again. I'd have to become a Bush Republican again and I don't know if my spirit's that strong. With sincere apologies to all those who voted for him here is how I felt about Mr. Gore after the hell he and his die-hard campaign put the country through after election day 2000.


His greatest moment was his belated concession speech.


President Bush, a duplicitous, mendacious elitist? Perish the thought! One party government? See Dead Parrot Society at the New York Times.


Thousands of African Americans are set to rally in Washington DC for "reparations". Seems according to the Philadelphia Inquirer and other news sources they want an apology and a paltry 10 trillion dollars. Would that mollify a bunch of would-be riders of the federal gravy train who want to live on easy street on the sweat of the brow of their ancestors? I thought the federal government paid a hell of a price during the civil war in time, money and lives to win slaves their freedom and dignity. I have, however, heard that Lincoln probably only freed the slaves to punish the southern states for seceding from the Union.

No one in America today fails economically or socially because their ancestors were slaves. People fail at life for a variety of reasons, not because of the trials and tribulations of their forebears. Personally I would not accept money for the hardships my ancestors endured--whatever that might be. I don't believe I would be entitled to such compensation not having earned it. Apparently an injustice has been done and by God someone is gonna pay for it! Let's all dig deep! And never stop looking. There may be a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow too. There can be no justification for "reparations", only rationalizations.


Is denial really a river in Egypt? Mark Steyn takes on the FBI & "politically correct" non-thinkers.


I went to Matthew Shepard's mother's web site, Matthew's Place , today and was reminded of a web site from a post in the guestbook that I haven't visited in a long while. I think everyone should acquaint him/her self with the type of thinking and evil that this site represents. These people fly upside down American flags at their protests. They call Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and even G.W. Bush fag loving commies.The site espouses a type of spiritual pornography that is worse than any naked bodies or sexual acts. These are the people of whom Christ will say "Depart from me I know you not". I will not provide a link to this site. I do believe that everyone 18 and older should go to Ignoring stuff like this or wishing it didn't exist is not going to make it go away. I don't intend to return any time soon. I just needed a refresher course in understanding how these zealots think. Be warned--these people are SICK.


Apparently the president is sniffing politics in the air too and he is not amused. He is angry that his administration is being questioned on it's counterterrorism activities prior to September 11. Come on Mr. President. Patriotic Americans can question your "wartime" administration. You certainly must understand all Americans will not simply defer to your judgement. How dare we!! How dare you?? Did I miss your coronation? It's not rocket science,sir. You are not Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


Yahoo finally had a "pick of the day" several days ago that caught my eye. Basically, it's a weblog containing the observations, thoughts and some commentary from a young Jew in Jerusalem. Go here to Tal G. in Jerusalem. You'll find thoughts on the Palistinian/Israeli conflict from the perspective of an ordinary Jewish Israeli citizen.

I am so tired of Palistinian whining about "state-sponsored terrorism", illegal occupation, despair, and humiliation. Apparently it's O.K. to be antisocial and homicidal if you were "driven to it" by heartless, soulless occupiers. So much for personal responsibility. Just point your finger at the nearest "oppressor" and repeat ad nauseum--It's their fault, it's their fault, they made me do it. Maybe I just need to learn more about the psychology of victims. Then I could understand and sympathise. Not enough though to give them a free pass as does Amnesty International, which is more concerned with Israel's so-called violations of human rights.


I just read an hilarious opinion column by that rapier-witted, conservative femme fatale Ann Coulter. I'm with her. Let's invade France! You can find this gem here.


I was absolutely devastated while checking out my daily Hardball briefing to discover that according to the Washington Post support for our uniquely "American" war is ebbing worldwide. Sympathy for America and Americans as victims was rather shortlived and would probably not have been forthcoming at all if the attack had not been so heinous and devastating. The world prefers to see America as the victimizer---not the victim. Power it seems is evil and the exercise of it is positively Satanic. American motives don't pass the sniff test either apparently. Americans are crass materialists whose only motive is economic self interest. It's all about oil, n'est ce pas?

We lose six thousand lives. We drop a few hundred bombs and call it even, nicht wahr? Why are we so arrogant? We just run around the world trying to impose our will on the meek and the weak and the guileless saints of Islam. The image of Osama as David (oops, he'd have to be Jewish) and America as Goliath is ludicrous but I truly believe that at least half the world perceives the situation thus.

I think I can make this short and sweet. If you don't like the U.S. or what it stands for the next time your country's in trouble call on Osama bin Laden. I'll bet y'all could probably work something out. I could care less what some self-styled internationalists (foreign or domestic) think about our motives or our values. I am grateful to be an American. I've also heard that sour grapes make bad wine.


I just finished skimming through the site. I came across nothing of consequence. Much of what I read seemed immature and mindless. The old socialist, Democratic party ideals of redistribution of wealth are alive and well. White males seem to be on their enemies list! Small wonder the majority of us vote republican or don't vote at all. Christians also seem to have made the enemies list. Not just the vicious homophobes with national followings but the entire Christian community. They seem to make no distinctions. I was dismayed with the blatant socialist propaganda and intellectual dishonesty I found there. Labelling and demonizing entire groups of people is unattractive no matter which side is doing the labelling and demonizing. It certainly worked in Salem several centuries ago to mobilize the community. My question is: does anyone have the moral high ground here?


George W. Bush at the wailing wall.

Shalom Mr. President

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