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Think I'll post some more.
This was going to go up right after the election in November 2012
but at the time I thought it was too ridiculous.
In retrospect however it was prescient.

Perhaps the Republicans after the election should take down Old Glory
and raise the rebel flag high and claim it as their own.
Isn't it amazing how the party of Lincoln has become the party
of secession and nullification. They should secede and form a perfect union
of bigots, miscreants and insane idiots.
They should also have born in mind the old saying "If you lie down with dogs you're gonna get fleas."
However I believe they had to let the "Tea Party" in.
Either that or let them form a third party and steal votes from Republicans. Ain't politics wonderful?

What did the Republicans do after the election?
Certain factions started petitions in almost every state
to secede from the union..... and the craziness and stupidity
just keep on a comin'.


Delusional right wing alternate "reality" exposed by Rachel Maddow.
In right wing "MediaWorld" facts are not facts and truth is not truth
and they never let the facts interfere with their "Truth".
In their world truth and facts are subjective, in short,
they believe their own lies and hope that you will too.

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The Ebenezer Scrooge "let them die and decrease the surplus population" prescription for healthcare:

Death by Ideology - Paul Krugman

Aren't Mitt and Paul a winsome couple? They care about you. Just ask Ann.


Paul Krugman explains the cynical Republican tactic of blocking all legislation
to improve the economy and then blaming Obama for doing nothing to create jobs
even though the onus for today's lack of job creation should be on them!

Obstruct and Exploit - Paul Krugman

According to a recent poll
American men love the Romney-Ryan ticket.
The dynamic duo romp on a Florida beach
the day after the Republican convention.
Let's put the "white" back into White House!


What can I say? Jennifer Granholm is an energetic spokesman for
"Made in the USA" and "Made in Michigan".


Get your running shoes out. You can run Republicans but you can't hide!
You can't run a campaign based on lies and misrepresentations
unless you're trying to appeal to the uninformed
or those who don't care how you win, just as long as you do win.

Rosie Ruiz Republicans - Paul Krugman, New York Times


Republican lack of accountability.
I remember a comment by a Republican financial guru on Fox business channel
stating that "Reagan taught us that deficits don't matter". That guru was Dick Cheney!
But that was sevaral years before the Obama presidency.
Have you no shame?

Time travel with the Republican party back to a kinder, gentler time!


Down the rabbit hole once again this year....

November can't get here soon enough!


I guess you better just get a room!


Coal miners...They weren't paid but they were required to show up at a GOP photo op.

Of course a great many Republicans are descendants of card carrying
IWW (International Workers of the World) members, but they"ve seen the light!
My grandfather would spit in their eyes.
God bless us every one!


They let old "Rowdy Yates" (Clint Eastwood) out of the alzheimers unit long enough to attend the
Republican National Convention to star in this short mockumentary:

Mitt Romney approved this message. What a man!
I guess we need to let the Republican House go since it can't seem to do it's job!
Great time to "pink slip" Republicans who were so laser focused on repealing Obamacare 40 times
and passing anti abortion and anti union legislation
and playing chicken with spending bills which got the U.S. credit rating downgraded.
What happened to jobs, jobs, jobs?
Did I mention voter suppression laws? Oh wait. That was Republican state legislatures
and so was the anti union legislation.


I wonder if bottom line Mitt would agree with this letter to the editor from the New York Times:

Invitation to a dialogue: The Corporate Citizen


I get tired of being shunted off to prison by Rachel Maddow
every friday evening at the close of her show.
However, I do save at least 2 podcasts to watch over the long weary weekend
when MSNBC plays endless reruns of prison life because they can't afford
a seven day line up of news and opinion shows.
At least Fox "views" gives it's viewers a full seven days a week.
But it will be a subzero day at the equator before I tune in to
Fox "views" on any day of the week.


Latest Republican Looney Tune courtesy of
Did somebody paint that tie on him?
And is that an angel in the background?
Oh Lord, it must be! Click the image...

Does Willard Romney know who Willard Romney is?
Does Willard Romney know what Willard Romney believes?
Is Mitt Romney a real person or a cartoon character?
Just wondering.

See...The Republicans really are concerned about women's issues! Poor Julia....

Now let's have the "Before G.W. Bush" and "After G.W. Bush" statistics.
If I didn't have a job or a life I'd look them up.
However, since I was there, I'm fairly certain that
Julia's percentage of increase was much higher.

Romney's a pro.
Are you pro Romney?
Romney has confidence in your intelligence.
Is he a con man?
or is Romney just a professional con man.

Mitt Romney's $ecret $tash

Is Mitt Romney hiding something?

Tricky Mitt


Your home on the web if.......

click the image


Michigan Republican fascists defy Michigan constitution.
The entire state is apparently under "emergency Management".

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Perhaps Romney could explain how government spending kills jobs.
As far as he's concerned we must all be a bunch of idiots who need wise men like him
to explain economics to us so we can become "successful" too.
Let's have more Herbert Hoover solutions for our modern great depression.


Romney's victory speech in New Hampshire tonight was nauseating.
He must be "the one" but he's not one I would vote for.
I might be able to hold my nose and vote for Huntsman, however,
that ain't gonna happen in this lifetime.
Who are those moderate and liberal Republicans who inhabit New Hampshire?
Isn't it time they came out of the closet?

I swear I'm gonna end up 10 degrees left of Jerry Rubin.


And the beat goes on......prevaricate, prevaricate, prevaricate, ad nauseum.

As I went out one evening to take the evening air,
I was blessed by a blood red moon.....


.....and there's no time to think.


The northern lights here were beautiful just before dawn this morning. A shooting star vaporized right before my eyes. An auspicious day for new beginnings?


Hebe fountain at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans taken with my new Nikon digital camera. The fountain was erected in 1893.


Anyone who thinks that the Republican party has comported and acquitted itself admirably in the last 2 years and that the Republicans are a viable "ideas" party to get the economy and the country on the "right" track is free to vote for the party that caused the great crash of "08" - The Grand Old Republican Party.


Is truth a democratic principle? If we all voted that the sun rises in the west, doesn't east become west? Our vote didn't really change anything.




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The Shameful attack On Public Employees
- from Robert Reich's blog


Regarding the recent takeover of the House of Representatives by the GOP....Was Sinclair Lewis a prophet?

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
-- Sinclair Lewis


What a surprise! The michigan state legislature voted to nullify "Obamacare" and voted down an amendment which would have stripped them of their own Cadillac healthcare plan. One wonders if their position this year will be to further decimate other state employees healthcare.
Nullification? What's next? Secession?


The Real cost of the war in Afghanistan!


The following features the leader of the 2011 "House of Ill Repute" in Washington DC.....


The State of Michigan wants to give businesses in Michigan another 1.8 BILLION dollar tax cut and they are willing to cut departments and services to the bone and screw every union member state employee (yet again) to accomplish this massive giveaway to business. Ostensibly this will create jobs for the residents of this state (the people that the state legislature and governor don't care about). Low paying jobs that will keep the RABBLE in their place. Businesses in Michigan have been getting a 1.5 BILLION dollar tax cut every year for the last several years and so far NO Jobs have been created in Michigan as a result of these tax cuts. What does this Republican legislature think will be different this time? Do they think their Republican business friends are going to create jobs NOW because we don't have a Democratic governor any longer? The roads, the infrastructure, and the social climate in Michigan are so bad right now. It's really unfortunate that we can't grow bananas here because then we could be a REAL "banana republic"an state. The republicans in Michigan have been waging war on public sector workers for years. It's simply part of the entire Republican party's general war on unions and union workers which has been going on for decades and has reached a fever pitch since the Republicans bankrupted the state and federal governments and engineered (intentionally or otherwise) the Wall St. financial collapse.

The Republican position on jobs can be summed up with John Boehner's reply when he was asked about job losses as a result of Republican federal budget cuts..... "SO BE IT!"



Barack Obama 2012!
I love this video but I hope they come up with an even better one for 2012.

American Prayer


If anyone in Michigan cares, you need to see this. This isn't the United States and this is definitely not a united state, it's a fascist state governed by Generalisimo Rick Snyder and his Republican fascisti in the legislature:

Michigan is screwed!


Re: National We are One day.

On April 4, 2011 from 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM there will be an informational picket at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans sponsored by AFSCME local 261 to call attention to the Governerd's plan to privatize the Resident Care Aide positions at the third largest long term care facility in the nation. Most nursing home facilities in this country have been striving to or have become "agency-free" facilities due to quality of care issues, high turnover rates and the fact that many if not most agency aides have little experience or are poorly trained. Michigan veterans deserve the best care possible but apparently that isn't in the cards for them under the current regime in Lansing. But the Governerd said "we must all sacrifice" and bow down and bow low to the Chamber of Commerce (the only real and legitimate power source in a democracy).

I just stumbled on an interesting column in the Holland Sentinel. I think everyone should read it.



The Democratic response to Governor Snyder's self-congratulatory listing of his "accomplishments" in his first 3 months in office:



New York Times - Budget Stances Harden as Deadline Nears for Shutdown


Paul Krugman of the New York Times gives his take on Paul Ryan's GOP budget proposal...

Ludicrous and Cruel

The comments after the article are great, especially the first one.


President Obama:

You've got a long way to go bro' to get anyone fired up. You've taken us all for granted and caved on every principal you ever had and broken promise after promise and governed like your last name is Bush. You must stand for something, I wonder what it is! Oh I get it, it's COMPROMISE. No that's not it. It's CAPITULATION. Maybe it's dependant on what the meaning of the word is, is. And by the way, how's that airy, fairy business of being or at least feeling above it all working out for you?

Paul Krugman: The President is Missing


Let's not be Civil
- Paul Krugman

Fascist Lansing politicians capture Benton Harbor, MI.
Local authority suspended!
Country Club for wealthy to replace urban blight!!
Here it is in black and white:

A Tale of Two Cities

VOTE! - 2012

.....and sign the recall petitions!


What are Michigan Democrats afraid of? What do they stand for? Where are their proposals? If you want to be elected or re-elected you need to stand for something besides opposition to Snyder and his irresponsible, ridiculous, and ill-conceived agenda.

Michigan Democrats silent on Governor's Budget

On the national front:

It's not just a budget. It's a cause....

“The House Republican budget adds $6 trillion to the debt in the next decade yet the GOP is balking at raising the debt limit. The House Republican budget adds $6 trillion to the debt in the next decade yet the GOP is balking at raising the debt limit.”

The Progressive Congressional Caucus put out a document called "The People's Budget" which balances the the federal budget by 2014 and creates a surplus by 2021.

The People's Budget


I've always thought recall efforts were ill-advised, but not this time. Snyder's anti-democratic power grabs and contempt for average people are just too egregious.

Snyder Recall Bid Clears a Hurdle But Next One 'Tough'



Bin Laden is dead!
Shock and awe?

Bin Laden is dead!


"You dumb, retarded Reddit loving, crack toking and drug thought induced liberals, listen up." has news for you!
President Bush Deserves All Credit for Killing Osama bin Laden
Perhaps they inadvertantly left out the words "fudge-packing socialists" in their invective about liberals.
The cretins at this website give all cretins a bad name.
(Give the link above a minute to respond. Their server is as slow as they are.)

And here's a shocker from New York Magazine:
David Koch Gives President Obama Zero Credit for Bin Laden’s Death


A Grim Fairy Tale

I was kidding around at work a couple weeks ago and I said that apparently the governor and the Republican legislature wanted all the rabble in the state to head for the state line and leave Michigan to them, the state's businesses and the country gentry they represent. Then a couple nights ago on a newspaper website I ran across a comment by a liberal-hating genuine, bona fide Republican stating - Don't they get what the governor and legislature are saying...if you can't make it in Michigan head for the state line, we don't want you here.

So if you expect a good education at a good school just have your Mommy and Daddy send you to a private school and then have them pay for your college education. Then if you want a decent job at a living wage Big Daddy and his network of business or professional colleagues can get you started and don't worry, you'll never be on your own. Michigan will then be the perfect Stepford society where freedom of expression is encouraged but not freedom of thought. The great political debate will be over and the contentious tax-sucking rabble will all reside in California.

Ayn Rand where are you when they need you - dead and gone like your ideas. Most of them would even forgive you your atheism.


The Library of Congress Has a new section online called The National Jukebox which contains historical recordings of all genres since Edison invented the phonograph. Here's one from Marian Anderson:

Nobody knows de trouble I’ve seen
Marian Anderson


These guys need double digit increases so they can keep up with the oil companies....Kind of a corporate keeping up with the Joneses.
Health Insurers Making Record Profits as Many Postpone Care


This was probably written by a Democrat with a six figure income who rides a bicycle to work.
Why you should love $5 gas


I haven't watched Fox news in over 3 years. Bill O'Reilly is one "factor" in that decision. To me Mr. O'Reilly is..... well, bilious.

Rachel Maddow Responds To Bill O'Reilly's Attacks - 08/06/10

And lastly:
Approval Rating For Governor Snyder Falling


As any sane person knows the Republican party has gone off the deep end. It's been a long time coming and the party is now certifiably insane. Do tax cuts create jobs? The much praised bush tax cuts created net zero jobs but they must be made permanant and accompanied by further tax cuts for business and the wealthy. At the same time we must privatize medicare and slash social security and increase taxes on the working poor and the middle class and increase the military budget. Revenues are off the table as are closing tax loopholes for the wealthy and businesses and tax subsidies for the wealthiest corporations in the world. Follow the money...who do the Republicans represent? Certainly not the American people they presume to speak for. The Republicans are disingenuous at best and inveterate liars most of the time. Either that or just plain self-delusional. They want to continue and double down on policies that brought the economy to smoking ruin. Maybe they're just domestic terrorists but I contend they're just insane.

In Michigan the Republican solution for a sour economy is business tax cuts. Year after year...more business tax cuts. They have made permanent the tax increases for average citizens. Year after year we swim in red ink because of these huge tax cuts for business because these cuts produce more red ink for the following year and jobs do not materialize to increase revenues. So we slash and burn programs that benefit the people of the state in deference to the rich and the business community. We blame the state of Michigan's economy not on Republican incompetence and mismanagement but on public sector employees and unions. We pit private sector workers against public sector workers. We demonize unions which have brought a living wage to people who obviously don't deserve it. Enough. Read Paul Krugman's article in the New York Times.

Getting to Crazy


My statement for today - The lyrics to Richie Havens song Nobody Left to Crown:

To those of you seeking perfection
Oh Lord it's not a long, long way to go
All you need is a bit of reflection
Just might seem like changing direction right now
Don't go around taking up no collections
On your way down
There's nobody left to crown

What if politicians were all good guys
Oh Lord don't we wish they were
We would not be so dependent
On courts of laws that make us all feel like defendants sometimes
If we want freedom we've got to amend it
On our way down
There's nobody left to crown

Be it ever so humble
There's no place like home
Home...home on the range
Where the fear and the antidotes play
Where seldom is heard
An encouraging word
And our leaders do nothing all day

What if they gave an election
And nobody came to vote
The system it needs a bit of correction
Just might seem like changing direction right now
As it stands we don't even make the selections
And to get into Heaven we even need a connection
On our way down
There's nobody left to crown

Nobody left to crown
Nobody left to crown
Nobody left to crown
Nobody left to crown


Statue in the cemetary at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans dedicated to the Union soldiers who fought in "the war of the rebellion".


Congratulations Republican't Hooverites. You can't pass any legislation but you can add billions to the debt you so hypocritically rail against.


Republican terrorists aided and abetted by a Democratic president hijack a crisis!

The Hijacked Crisis
by Paul Krugman


Barry Goldwater must have been a liberal!

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