National Night Out 2008
Our National Night Out wasn't as "busy" as last year's, but we did manage to serve 150 hot dogs along with chips, soda, and water. We also gave away 25 book bags filled with notebook paper, pens, pencils, etc. along with some frizbees and an assortment of information from the city for the adults. One of the main attractions was the big red firetruck. And the men that drove it....John Johnson, Mitch Li, and Derek Barningham Not only were the kids attracted to the firetruck..... But so were the adults...... This is my friend Jo. She was so excited about what she had learned that she told me all about it, and then I just couldn't resist climbing inside. Our early bird visitors included Clay Milan, Director of Code Enforcement and Jeanette Smith, Assistant Director, Dept. of Housing and Community Redevelopment And here's my friend Jo with our Code Enforcement officer, Tony Adamson, and Jack, our cook with Commissioner Beam Furr. I understand that Commissioner Blattner was also there, but I didn't see him because he was enjoying the band. So, alas, he will be known as the invisible commissioner...but only on this page. More friends...Sharon Paxton, our Neighborhood Resource Specialist, with her hubby, Rich, and Brenda Samuels, also a Resource Specialist. I took a picture of Brenda taking a picture of Sharon and Rich. Mary, one of our members, poses with two of Hollywood's finest, as does Jack. Kathy Skinner, the one with the camera (she brings me all those National Night Out goodies to pass out) poses with more of Hollywood's finest. Last, but certainly not least, was the band. Things just wouldn't have been the same without them. These guys are dedicated musicians. They played an hour longer that contracted... (as you can see it's dark). I think its' because of their love of music (and of course, the ham in them)....but boy can they play!!!! Thanks, guys. We'll see you again next year! Our thanks also to the city officials and employees that showed up to support us.
These guys were great. They got a call, had to leave, and actually came back. Thank you so much.............