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Wiring Your Engine For Buzz Coil Running

Buzz Coil Wiring Diagram

Note that the battery in the diagram can be either a battery or a low tension magneto. If you engine was not designed to run off a coil, then you need some place to generate the make and break switching performed by the cam and wiper in the diagram. A coil can also be used in line with an igniter and low tension magneto to "power assist" the igniter

If you have a buzz coil with markings B, T, and S near the terminals and don't know which connector is which. B is Battery (positive connection), T is Timer (negative battery connection through some make and break system on the engine) and S is Spark (high voltage connection).

Note that you can reverse the positive and negative connections and the coil will still work. Ford and many other manufacturers actually recommend periodically reversing the connections so that metal which transfers from one side of the points to the other will transfer back again reducing wear and pitting. There is not any sound evidence either way so that can be left up to your choice.

Wire your engine with all copper wire, there is no substitute for a stationary engine. You can either use standard automotive wire, or you can buy "period" style wire from many on-line suppliers, as an example:

Magneto Parts ~ Bill Lopoulos ~ Northbridge, MA. USA


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