Goppie Zine, Volume 4, Article 7

Thoughts on Losses of Liberty
by Sharon Goodman

Losing our liberties didn't start suddenly in 2009. It had been rolling along like an automobile for decades, although when the Communist Dictator took control that year, the automobile accelerated as if from 0 to 60 in so-many seconds. It turned from a Model T into a race car at breakneck speed.

This is not the individual liberty our country's citizens had 200 years ago. In fact, we're told we are not called citizens any more; we are called consumers, and people just accept it. They will - most of them - accept the next big C, too - comrades.

First, a thought on compulsary government schools (I think from John Taylor Gatto): When you've been forced to put your children in institutions for 12 or more years and convinced it was for their benefit, it's not a great leap to the common acceptance of putting your aged parents in institutions - nursing homes. It's just another kind of prison, and we've been conditioned to accept cradle to grave imprisonment.

Being so conditioned to imprisonment, it's also not a stretch in between the "school" jails for kids and the "nursing" jails for the elderly to approve anyone in between being thrown in jail for any infraction of hundreds of thousands of laws, too many for us to even be aware of all of them. Thus free people can be locked up in jails for "crimes" which had no victim.

They got caught or observed or entrapped or suspected of possessing a plant (God made all the plants, by the way) or of either harming or helping a bird that a bunch of pagan earth-worshippers have declared "endangered" (God made all the birds, by the way), or of selling fresh milk from their own cows to people who asked to buy it, when the milk hasn't been pasteurized, homogenized, denatured, hormonally altered, watered down, and approved by totalitarians (God made the milk cows, by the way), or of catching a fish to eat, shooting a deer to eat, using the available water to irrigate their crops to eat, driving a car to get themselves to the job they work at so they can eat, without paying the State a lot of money for the privilege of being allowed by the State to have a license issued by the State to do these things. And God provided the fish, the deer, and the water for our use, by the way.

But the car, being an invention of men, was originally for our use and benefit as well if we decided to buy one. Having bought and paid for it with a substantial amount of money, one would assume it was - well, paid for. Not so. The car is used as a cash-producing asset of the State by the State, to extort as much money out of car owners under the guise of as many different things as they can think of, as the State can possibly extort, over and over again every year, in fact. For the same car. And if you don't pay them, you can be thrown in jail for that, too. (Or they can just confiscate your car. After all, it really belongs to them; didn't you get the memo?)

People don't have to do something to get thrown in jail; they may also fail to do something, and there will be a lot more of that in the near future as they fail to buy health insurance the totalitarian State has ordered them to buy. They already get "caught" in omissions, such as under-reporting their income to the very criminals whose object in demanding that they report it is to take it away from them. Whether or not they are jailed, the State also demands large amounts of their money in "fines" to feed the appetite of the State for constant large amounts of people's money. In fact, it has become obvious to most of us that the whole purpose of the State is now to take as much of everyone's money and assets as possible away from them on any excuse, not just taxes or omissions of State-mandated behavior or purchases, and constantly dream up more excuses to take more.

Where is the victim of any of these so-called crimes? Doesn't a "crime" have both a perpetrator and a victim? Or has the majority of "crimes" become those against the State, in which the perpetrator and the victim are the same one person? In what way is any justice being served by imprisoning millions (yes, millions) of that one person?

The same thread, then, runs through our entire lives in this country that once was free. There is no great difference in all the forms of cradle to grave imprisonment. Conform and be subordinate, or be punished by your jailers - the totalitarian State. They have left us no freedoms, no liberty at all.

Thanks for reading.

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