Goppie Zine, Volume 4, Article 1

Hysteria is Good For Us
by Sharon Goodman

The latest "scientific" article I saw (even though I try to avoid them) is now calling second-hand smoke "fumes". Someone decided that smokers are creating fumes. You know, on the order of bus exhaust from the public transportation they'd like us all to ride instead of driving our cars, which, due to laws against car exhaust, don't make any more. In fact, we are forced to get them inspected periodically to prove it. If the car flunks, they charge us money to do things to the car. Or on the order of CO2 that the pseudo-science community (those members who are allowed to get their opinions printed in the "free press") has declared to be a substance that is dangerous to the "globe". Which is what we used to call the "earth", but "Earthal Warming" somehow didn't have the same zip or may have sounded too attractive to countries that would like a growing season for food longer than a month.

Bear with me, these things are eminently connectable to anyone who can read, except scientists.

CO2 happens to be what humans exhale when they breathe. All humans exhale CO2 when they breathe, with or ideally without any smoke. Humans have done so since before they were driving SUVs. I'm almost sure of that. So what will come next, banning exhaling in public places? To demand that we all stop exhaling and stand around turning blue because exhaling damages the "globe"? Writing hysterical articles about the dangers of second-hand CO2, due to all those selfish humans going around exhaling, even among children who (horrors!) have already picked up the habit of exhaling CO2 from their parents, even from that most venerated group, single moms?

Why not just ban all humans from the globe? Actually, that's the basic idea, as those of us who have been paying attention know. The earth isn't here for humans to use, anyway, we are told. It's here for the use of polar bears, California smelts and endangered varieties of field mice and rats that carry Plague. How dare we annoy those higher species by extracting the oil and gas to drive to our jobs and heat our homes, using the water to irrigate our food crops, and building our habitats for humanity on land they chose to nest in? If all that wasn't bad enough, now we're trying to kill them off by selfishly exhaling our breath. For shame!

The only thing science has established is that science is no longer a .... well,..... a science. It's a business for the purpose of supplying regular blurbs of hysteria to a press that can't sell newspapers nobody reads (and network television news that can't sell ads on programs nobody watches) without a lot of regular hysteria, and slurping up government grants to support the business in style while they conduct more "research" (or create hockey stick charts or whatever) to support more hysteria. This is good business, as the gaggle of scientists who claim a consensus on whatever the purveyers of the government grants want them to have a consensus on ... are you with me? .... will show. Selling hysteria is profitable, as the screaming and slander directed at anyone who refutes it will prove. Of course, it's acceptable to make a profit in peddling hysteria, unlike, for example, providing (from the ground up) oil and gas you depend on for your car or providing (from the invention on) artificial limbs for amputees.

Yes, it's a profitable business for all, but don't tell the present totalitarian regime in Washington or they will institute a hysteria tax. Any new thing, tangible or not, if it exists has to be taxed, and business profits, of course, are unfair to the proletariat and must be turned over to the regime post haste. If not done with enough post haste, the regime will fire the CEO, stiff the shareholders and run the business itself. What would we do for our hysteria then? It might be poorly made, days late, and no delivery on Saturday.

And by the way, who pays for these grants to these gaggles? Does the government have money of its own that it didn't extract from private business and labor? So who pays for them? You do.

Now back to those scientists who call exhaling smokey breath "fumes" and exhaling smoke-free breath dangerous to the earth. After the government gets through banning all "fumes", and goes on with their stated goals of banning sugar, salt and fat from all of our lives, including those dangerous Happy Meals for kids, cars that run on what cars run on, toilets that flush and light bulbs that light with no need for a haz-mat team on call, we now have a clue about what's next. Once they get through imprisoning everyone who causes "fumes" or is ten pounds overweight, what's next?

You guessed it. Breathing will be banned. At least they can drop the claims that it's "for the children". There won't be any.

Thanks for reading.

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