Goppie Zine, Volume 2, Article 5

The Recommended Basic Diet

Here we go. Conforming to the published recommendations for a basic healthy diet. This is only the basics, before you ever touch a Dorito.

1. My personal projected way to consume the 11 (eleven) servings of grain products daily that the so-called nutrition experts say I should:

2. My projected way to consume the 5 daily servings of vegetables required, added to this menu:

3. My projected way to consume the recommended daily servings of dairy products, with the understanding that no charts agree on what that is, added to this menu:

4. My projected way to consume the recommended 5 servings of fruit, added to this menu:

5. My projected way to consume the recommended servings of meat, fish or protein alternatives, which nobody dares venture what they are any more, but used to be considerable and still insists upon fish, added to this menu:

There. I sincerely hope (urp) that I didn't omit anything important.

Following these recommendations will likely force you to give up coffee, desserts, chips, margaritas, Tums, and anything else that could possibly take up room in your stomach. That may please the chart-makers. But remember, ice cream is dairy, chips and popcorn are grain, strawberry jam is fruit, and I believe vodka is made from potatoes. Therefore, a Bloody Mary counts as a vegetable serving. A pizza contains a great deal of healthy tomato sauce, and a whole can of cashews contains (I'm almost certain) protein. Coffee is made from beans and the caffeine may prevent you from slipping into a coma from all this eating. Be creative.

My personal projected result of their good advice: I would weigh 300 lbs.

Projected result if we all followed their good advice: the obesity epidemic would certainly not decline.

Any questions?

Thanks for reading.

Next: Volume 3, Article 1

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